MLG Inept

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by xVSxVENOMx, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. xVSxVENOMx

    xVSxVENOMx Ancient
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    MLG Inept

    MLG Inept is a Symmetrical map for MLG OnSv5. Although MLG Inept is Strictly a CTF map it has been edited for Slayer.MLG Tsv5 is reccomended. The inspiration of the map came from a Aztec Temple. If you look at the picture of Top Mid below you will see that the design is similar to a Aztec temple. I made the bases so the opening that you jump through is similar to Amplified. It was made my DeAdLy Iz Pro, and D2TheWiRe(Thats me). The map took approximately 9 hours and 27 mins including spawns and such.

    Top Mid(Mauler Spawn)


    A side(Carbine leans up against B sign)(BR Leans up against A sign)


    B side(Weapon Placement is same as A side)


    A side Base(Blue Camos)


    B side Base(Red Camos)


    Action Shots

    Me pwnin some Bk's With my friend DeAdLy. He goes to my school.


    MLG Escape from Top Mid


    Flag Spawn




    MLG Eclipse
    Coming Soon!

  2. The Phoenix 9

    The Phoenix 9 Ancient
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    Things need to be forged together a lot more and it looks like you used part of amp? Not sure though because the pictures avoid that. Not rating it because I wouldn't be able to see for like 3 weeks.
  3. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I see nothing from Amp in here,other than the crane(which many maps use), but it does need some more interlocking and geomerging. The weapons seem to be a little sparse too, I counted five and some of them may have been dropped by dead players, and I'm not sure, but are grav lifts allowed in MLG?
  4. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    No, they are not, which makes this map not worthy of this subforum.

    It looks like you took a lot of time to make this, but the map is lacking forge techniques where it really needs them.
  5. The Phoenix 9

    The Phoenix 9 Ancient
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    I do believe that he has used amps backwall based on the first picture.
  6. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Yes, he has used amps back wall and crane boxes. The OP needs to give credit for it. As far as grav lifts, there are no real rules against them for use in MLG. I'll have to make a writeup about this too i guess. People, stop saying things are against MLG rules if you don't know. It's funny how those were pointed out but no one said anything about the fusion coils as those are NOT allowed in MLG.
  7. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol`d really hard.

    Fusion coils are a no, taking amps wall and crane without credit are a no.

    Gravlifts are fine, but these look very exploitable an inconsistant.

    The middle seems crowded and since you deleted the window panels on top of the fence boxes, the map is now escapable.

    I see a total of 8 spawn points, please tell me there are more.

    Also how come on blue side has boxes metal side up, but red has them flipped, don't care just curious.
  8. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Sorry, but there actually are MLG map guidelines stickied in this subforum.
    #8 RaVNzCRoFT, Dec 16, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  9. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    Some thing like the fence boxes and the whole back row of boxes and the geo-merged crane are taken from Amp (which u should give credit for) and i can see that you know how to merge i just wish u did it a lot more. (the roof of the middle structure for example and the bridges.) The gravity lifts aren't allowed in MLG maps and neither are the fusion coils. The maps looks very exploitable (escaping is easy) and this is just my opinion but it seems like u got a little lazy with the spawn points and didn't quite think through how important they are and put way too few of them. Don't take this criticism the wrong way as I'm just trying to help you improve your map. I would give 2/5 and you can always use the forge 101 section to help you improve. It's what i used when i started out.
  10. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
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    To all you people saying Grav Lifts are not allowed in MLG, Unleashed, a map being tested for V6, has two Grav Lifts on it, it just so happends DeathstarsOG is the creator of that map, you might want to listen to him I think he knowes what he's talking about.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    And they don't already reveal anything that DeathstarOG wants to talk about in his writeup. Get off your high horse, dude. He's done more to help this community in a short amount of time than most people here ever will.

    A couple more reasons to shut the hell up about grav lifts in MLG: Guardian, Pit, and Construct all have a levitating lift system of some kind. There is absolutely no reason that a Foundry map should be barred from MLG if it has a good working lift system.

    Now, to the OP:
    Thanks for putting forge pictures that show some of your spawn points. I can safely say that your spawn system probably needs reworking. There are some great tutorials here that can help you out there. And you might rethink the name of your map. Inept is not a word I would choose for this for the sake of irony...
  12. TW InKoGnito

    TW InKoGnito Ancient
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    I just think I should throw this out there: the battle rifle is overpowered.

    But anyway, that is not the point, the point is that this is a good map. It is just not ready for match making in its current state.

    For example, you made a mistake that most people do:

    Putting all the re-spawn points together in one spot.

    That leads to spawn-killing. Trust me, I would know, I made the same mistake on a paintball map. Perfection anyone?
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ... your post about the lift got me thinking... What if you used a grave lift then a mancannon? together ... like to control the shot off the mancannon better? Is that how bungie does it??? WONderS as I run to the XBOX!

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