Vaultry 01

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jakob hunter, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    VAULTRY 01 [​IMG]
    these are the bottom halls on the map [​IMG]
    the brute shot spawn
    this is the attackers base
    this is a downward view from the highest point of the map
    these are some of the back halls on the map
    this is the defenders base
    the invisability spawn

    thanks to Zstrike13 for putting the pics on his photobucket account for me more will come
    Vaultry is as you can see a map on foundry that is symetrical. It took me around 2 weeks to make about 2-5 hours a day. This map has no geomerging although some places need it as i can see but is allright without. there are no vechicles and there is no room for them. the map is great for any game excluding infection. small team games work the best form 2 on 2 to: 5 on 5 or: 2 on 2 on 2 on 2 basicly small teams or lone wolves. it also works perfect for ctf and assault. and is a blast wen playing king of the hill. When playing symetrical games like ctf or assault there are a few differant routs to take to get from your base to the other teams. each has its advantages and disadvantages.

    -2 plasma rifles
    -1 needler
    -1 gravity hammer
    -2 snipers
    -2 magnums
    -2 shotguns
    -4 SMGs
    -2 plasma pistols
    -2 machine gun turrets
    -2 assault rifles
    -1 Brute shot

    Equipment and grenades:
    -4 plasma nades
    -4 spike nades
    -4 frag nades
    -1 flare
    -2 regeneraters

    here is a link to the youtube video on the map made by TenaciousDalton1 Vaultry map video walkthrough

    #1 jakob hunter, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    watch the video its on youtube and shows the whole map (it was made before equipment placed so it dos not talk about the equipment)

    ok i got a photobucket account and i posted more pics
    #2 jakob hunter, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2008
  3. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Nice double posting.

    The map looks really great, actually. it seems as if 70% of the objects are interlocked. you did a great job! On the other hand though, i noticed that the map has a lot of very narrow passageways, and that could negatively effect game play.

    other than that, good map! 4/5!
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thanks for the reply and yes with the narrow passages in ost games i have played on this map the action does not take place in these passages but however they are pretty to navigate through but not for alot of people but yes they could be a bit bigger thank you for the reply
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    I did watch the video and saw the pics. but im a little confused with the hieght of the map. If someone grabbed the brute shot then they could jump out of the map. But maybe you made the walls heigh enough. I will download when my x box 360 gets fixed and try to get a feed back for you. As I can see here you made many different ways around the map which is good, it makes it easier to get around with less dieing. I hope to see more from you good job
  6. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there is a ceiling to stop people from getting out that way because it was a problem at first
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    Over all, the post looks pretty good, but I would advise not posting a map until all of it is ready, pics included.
    Map looks pretty good, I see some good interlocking. As Gradex pointed out, a negative that comes with small, enclosed maps is sharp coners and tight halways. In a v2 you might try doing some work in that category. Some geometry merging or interlocking could help cut down some bumps in the map, but thats completely optional.
    Please also refrain from Triple posting. For more info visit this link.

    I can tell you didnt look through the post very well, and commented on it making you self look stupid. Please take the time to actualy look at the pictures carefully if you comment on it before you give it a forgethrough. Bad comments can lead to a forgers quiting forgehub. Prime example, Bobsagetsmyhro. If there was still rep, I'd give you some negative.

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