For all you news freaks at FH... (CNN) -- President Bush made a farewell visit Sunday to Baghdad, Iraq, where he met with Iraqi leaders and was targeted by an angry Iraqi man, who jumped up and threw shoes at Bush during a news conference. Bush ducked, and the shoes, flung one at a time, sailed past his head during the news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in his palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone. The shoe-thrower could be heard yelling in Arabic: "This is a farewell ... you dog!" He was dragged out of the room, screaming. Hurling shoes at someone, or sitting so that the bottom of a shoe faces another person, is considered an insult among Muslims.Original Source: Angry Iraqi throws shoes at President Bush in Baghdad - Too bad the guy didn't have a butterknife on him... Boy gets butter knife stuck in head - People: Tales of survival -
I just saw that when I came on the internet, my homepage is yahoo and I saw it there. Wish I could throw a shoe at him, that's be awesome.
haha the boy with the butter knife in his head reminded me of a time with my friend, we were climbing a rocky hill in a new neighborhood that was being build, and being a dumb ass as I was I tossed a rock down the hill hoping to hit my friends foot while he was getting up. Instead I misjudged my toss and hit him in the head, he started bleeding like crazy and I had to walk him home.
I seen this on the news yesterday too. I was like "Whoa! OMG, HE HAS SHOES!" And someguy in fron of him tried to get him to calm down. Then all of Bush's body guards came to the rescue!
heh I guess you could say that press conference got off on the wrong foot Look at him grin, he has absolutely no understanding of the hatred people hold for him, or he just doesn't care. He's all like "You mad, world?" tt *gives everybody the finger*
Bush probably thinks that people love him so much that they're willing to give up the shoes off of their feet. I would have given my life's salary to the shoe that had connected George W. Bush's smarmy face.
QFT. I saw it and I was hoping that he would duck in the wrong direction. I mean, I can actually relate to people who hate Bush. I hate Bush with a passion, but I'm the kind of guy that would give him a painful handshake instead of throw shoes at him. (Handshake story: My dad and I wrestled when I was younger and we would start by grabbing each other's hands and squeezing them. Well, I'm a big guy and so is my Dad. A few months ago we did the "hand shake" and I squeezed so hard that I fractured a bone in his hand.)
Wow I see a lot of hatred for bush in this thread..too bad..nvm lol But ya that was kind of weird, oh well
I love the grin on his face. and this will be one of very very few compliments for the man, he's got balls to not just hit the deck, but stay up, even though the guy was going to throw another shoe.
HAHA! I remember seeing this on the news this morning. What a funny guy, he seriously thought he could get away with throwing shoes at Bush? Bush deserves it though...
Ah, now I remember why I voted for Bush. Strait outta the Matrix. I lol'd so hard when I first heard this.
Yeah, I saw this on MSNBC when it was reported as breaking news. He actually reacted very quickly in order to dodge them. This is the most impressed with Bush I've ever been.