I thought this looked pretty good, I like the way the guy on my mongoose is shooting and you can see the bullet casing, makes it seem very in-motion. I thought I was awesome because I avoided it but after this shot I actually drove straight into it! :lol: Full size - best quality: Code: http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/3/12/13/mosh_monkey/f_57331155Fulm_813e0e8.jpg Comments? Bungie Link
pretty cool, like u said the casings do make it seem like its in-motion, other than that, i dont know why but it has some characteristic that i cant put my finger on, but it makes it seem so awesome looking. 4.5/5
Wow, what a relief that must have been. I don't know how you could miss a mongoose with a laser though, it's easy. Nice shot, it's pretty cool.
the front wheels are what make this shot better then nothing... it gives the whole thing a very "omg outta controll!!!" feel to it... or ovewhelmed.. like ^he said i just cat put my finger completly on it.
I think the thing you can't out your finger on is the rule of thirds. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it makes screens much more appealing.