Ok guys, this thread might be an epic win awesomesauce thread, or you guys could totally hate me for the rest of your lives for getting your hopes up like this. Basically you can exceed the item limit, just try it. Anyway, so i was just on the intornetz, searchin around for some good geomergin blah blah blah, and I came upon this. It wasn't my idea, but another guy on another forum. So most credit goes to him. But you can still love me if it works, and hate him if it doesn't lol. I have yet to try, becuase I am not at my house but.. that doesn't mean you can't. Here goes. PROCESS: 1: go into Forge with AT LEAST 2 people [ps: I don't know if this works with more than 2 people because I could only find 1 other person to help me]. 2: make sure everything is deleted (blank canvas). 3: select an object you want to 'duplicate' (if that's the best word for it) and place them on the map until you have only 1 left available. 4: have everyone in the party turn into monitor and go to the object you have been working with. 5: count down and at the EXACT SAME TIME select the object. 6: repeat process with other objects or if you just messed up. 7:and voila! you have just made more items than Bungie made available!!! I found it hard to get the timing down so that the other person and I could select the item at the same time so it might take some practice. PS: I don't know if this uses extra money or not because I have only been doing this with the lowest amount on my budget (example: a mongoose costs $20 so I would only have $20 on my budget). [If you delete one of the objects you just copied, then you don't gain money].
I cant test this right now,but if this works you just made the biggest forging discovery of all time.if this works you willl be the biggest,most famous person forgehub.*bungie bans forging after a noob fills foundry with 1,000,000,000,000,000 exploding fusion coils*
Have you actually tried it it would be cool but i doubt it works. If it existed forgehub would have fiigured it out within the first hour of playing Hey we posted at the exact same time.
I've seen videos where people have made 100s of one item, but they were long ago before DLC. Now I think the glitch has been re-discovered, and hopefully this is how its done. I can't test it either, but hopefully it won't deflate your money, just inflate the items. And this also might possibly lead to major lag, and freezing. But what the heck, can't wait to try this when I get the chance.
You don't even really need to other people I wouldn't think. Just hook up a second controller and you can do it yourself. it probably would fix the timing issue as well.
I remember this glitch from a helluva long time ago, long before I even had a 360. I just kinda figured that it was discovered to be 'useless' or performance destroying or something, which is why I never saw it here. The way I see it, it isn't incredibly helpful like interlocking, since there aren't that many items that you need more of. Maybe doors, window panels, but what else?
well think about it this way if you combine the money glitch and this unlimited object glitch then you could 10000 of each item on avalanche and build a super amazing lare BTB close-quarters combat map. But has anybody tried it yet. If not I shall be the first. PS: I don't know if this uses extra money or not because I have only been doing this with the lowest amount on my budget (example: a mongoose costs $20 so I would only have $20 on my budget). [If you delete one of the objects you just copied, then you don't gain money]. Use a budget glitch then you have unlimited money and items. We could have like, 8 Grav Lifts! Wow that would be awesome, and useful. I think you always have 8-gravity lifts. but you could have 10 billion I've seen videos where people have made 100s of one item, but they were long ago before DLC. Now I think the glitch has been re-discovered, and hopefully this is how its done. I can't test it either, but hopefully it won't deflate your money, just inflate the items. And this also might possibly lead to major lag, and freezing. But what the heck, can't wait to try this when I get the chance. They were probably modding not glitching.
I can confirm that this does not work with two hosts, like in local play, I can't confirm if two not connection hosts or if one host and one nonhost works.
Wow, imagine the possibilities. This could make epic winzorz mapz. I hpe this actually works; I want to try it.
Will it work with the infinite money glitch? *goes to make 100000 fusion coils and propane tanks in Foundry*
If this truly works then you will be one of the most famous and loved forgers of all time. It seems kind of simple and if it truly works, it probably would have been discovered before. It would be really awesome though to be able to finally block off parts of avalanche without exhausting almost all of your boxes.
If this actually works, with the budget glitch, you are famous. I have to try this with the map I'm working on, but it has the budget glitch used. Can you test this and get back to us?
See the problem is guys, I am not at home right now, but I will try to get a few pics up of 100 boxes, lol.
Awesome. Also to stop lag and make maps more awesome it might be better to NOT include other items (more than the item limit of course or then there'd be no point in the glitch) so you could make a skin/theme for a map rather than xboxes leading to lag or freezing. Apart from that, pretty awesome indeed happyface.
Hmm...sounds interesting. But is it really an infinite object glitch? It seems to me that it just allows you to make a few more objects. Like, if you have three people in a game and do the glitch, you'd use up the one object left and make two more. After that, you wouldn't be able to do it again, right? Still, 2 or 3 extra of every object could be pretty awesome...
Did anyone read my post before? I tried it and it didn't work. At least on local. Or are you talking about XBox Live.