hi this is my first post on forgehub. i do forge alot and i know how to interlock and geomerge please enjoy and download my map is impossible to escape so dont waste ur time please download 2-6 players teamslayer morecoming soon.. pictures: thanks for all the testers please download download link http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57456016
I tried to download the pics for you, but I think that photobucket might be having some problems cause I cant do this either. Next time though, use the "direct link" url and click on the pic add thingy in your post editor and then insert that direct link instead of using the "HTML" option EDIT:Sorry, I wrote this before I knew there was someone above me. NO ONE ELSE POST ON HIS PICS
ok thanks alot, ive been trying different things ill try to post it agian tomarrow. im sorry its not working ill figure it out
please don't post again, that would be considered a double post. Just continuously edit this current post until you get it right
unlike most people, I took the liberty of looking at all the img links. I'll say this map is bad but it could definitely use some work. I would say the main problem is how many "power" weapons and equipment there are. On the map, I've noticed: 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Power Drain 1x Ghost 1x Active Camo and, 1x Mauler Now, this isn't bad, but it seems your map leans in favour of one side, as it contains the sniper, power drain, and rocket launcher, as well as being equal distance from Active Camo. I would suggest changing this, as most people wouldn't want to play because of how it prefers one team. Good Day, ~The Cheat~
ok you dont know what your talking about the power drain/ rocket/and camo are all in the middle of the map, the sniper is on one side and the ghost is on the other. ive seen many maps with alot more power weapon then this one and got featured. for example: Reflex vertibrallie theres so many out there so dont judge mine because i couldnt get the pics to work.
Hey mate, you have 12 hours to fix your pictures before I have to lock this. Sorry, it's the rules. If you are unsure as to how you would go about adding pictures to your map, this thread should provide some help. How to Embed Screenshots into your map thread. Additionally, I had a quick look at the pictures and I liked what I saw. I'm yet to actually play it or even have a forgethrough but it looks to have a lot of potential. It's actually spelled "Vertebraille" and it does not contain that many power weapons. It holds a shotgun(one in asymmetric and one in symmetrical) a needler(only in symmetrical) and Camo. Just thought I'd add that in. All the Best, Linubidix
OK thanks alot i got the pics fixed and thanks for the help, i think you all will enjoy the map and im glad you helped me thanks
The geomerging looks slightly tilted and you merging isn't exactly straight, but since your new at this I will let it slip, maybe a V2 so you can straighten those edges and the geomerging. You could also add some aesthetics because from the pictures the map seems lifeless and bland, a bit of scenery can do a map wonders. Also there is some talent in this map, you can obviously make a map, and plan it very well, you should try a symmetrical map. 4/5 overall
The overall design and layout looks pretty cool, but there are some crooked geomerges and interlocks. Also, making people jump to use a lift , or get to any prime position, is generally not a good idea, because it disrupts the flow. I am referring to your fence wall above the gravity lift.
The map looks kind of open. You may want to add things like doors, walls, barriers or dumpsters on the floor. This would add more cover, and in my opinion it would make better gameplay. Besides that nice map. 3/5
I know what your saying, ive perfected the fundamentals with forging. and ive been considering a v2. I've learned how to put walls into the ground so there like ramps. Ive learned to make every object in perciste perfection so everything looks neat. I think my v2 (if i dedicde to make) will be a large success
good map I like the interlocking and ghost spawn but for the gravlift geomerge it instead of putting it under a fence. (dont know how PM me)
ok thanks and I just figured out how to from Bl00d f1re "forging school" in youtube. Thanks for the comment and i apreciate the help Thanks for the the lesson Bl00d f1re
First off, When I read what you said about this map not being breakable (escapable) it really makes me want to try. I will dl just for that. I'll get back to you with the results. Now for the map. It looks good but it could be better. Some of the setups and interlocks look a little bit sloppy. It looks as if you did it, noticed it wasn't perfect, then you either procrastinated and forgot or you just thought no one would notice or care. Really though, I don't care I'm just trying to help you. If you want your map to get featured then you must get everything perfect.
well im glad that your trying to help, I saw some forging school this morning and i understand so much more. The best of luck to you trying to escape though.