TURF - DOWNLOAD MAP HERE This map took me about 2 months to create. The first one was a test, or really a beta map if I had enough materials to recreate the old and beloved Turf map from Halo 2. It came out alright, but the floors were not smooth so grenades would bounce everywhere, or slip through the edges. Finally I sat down and rebuilt the map a second time from the ground up, and it's awesome. It's a 4v4 map, great for Slayer, Team Slayer, Multiflag, One-Flag, One-Bomb, Territories, and King of the Hill. All your favorite hiding and ledges are present, with slightly different twists of design and use of forge objects on Foundry. All grenades bounce like they are suppose to, and all the normal grenade/weapon spawns are where they are suppose to be. Please check it out and let me know what you like about it. My Gamertag is Billy Vandergaw
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OMG, this looks totally 1337 !!!!!!!!!!! Turf was one of my favorites, sweet to see a remake. From what i can see in the pictures, this looks like a solid map. A few places that could be interlocked better but other than that it looks great
I personally think that this map doesn't look like it would have great gameplay. It looks rather flat. Although there are two levels, it doesn't look like there is any view from the building part to the outside part. As for the asthetics, the interlocking is quite sloppy in places. In the back of the map, it looks kind of bad where you put the bridge and walls to make up for where you did not merge them into the Foundry doors. Consider making a v3 with these changes.
thanks! Some area's may be a bit off with the interlocking, but that's because this entire map required almost all the objects available, and at one point I had to rethink my design because I was half-way through and realized I ran out of floor space. I spared no expense when making this forgery, even down to a point where no new content can be placed on the map. I know I will receive large scrutiny from most of the folks here at Forge Hub, but understand that I made this all by myself. I had two friends who gave advice and criticism about the map as i went along. It isn't perfect. And I don't believe I will ever attempt remaking it again since it took 2 weeks to finish this, with mistakes and corrections, lost time from forgetting to save and etc. I do think it is a solid enough map to be shared with the Forge Hub community though. Thank you for all your posts!
Finally!!! i can haz remake? YESYESYEYSYEYSYE? now time to be serious Looks really realistic, alot like the original a few suggestions tho 1. Clean up the interlox at the back near the flag spawn 2. Flip dem bridges!!! to make bridges level with the boxes, place a box on its side, place the UPSIDE DOWN bridge on top, delete bottom box, then force spawn the surrounding boxes and voila! we haz awesomeli interloxicles note: interloxicles (noun): interlocking of the testicle kind EDIT: Soz i didnt read that post ^^^ but yea you must flip dem bridges, the interloxicles can wait
overall very well made but there are a couple areas u could have geomerged and if u would have flipped bridges and interlocked them that would be a lot smoother than that. If u fixed those problems it would pretty much be perfect.
This map looks really good. i like the fact that you spent all that time making this; it shows the blood a sweat that went in. The layout is similar, just a little small (obviously). it seems like there would be some bumps running on some platforms and ledges, but that's ok. no map is perfect. 4/5, and DL.
That bridge definitely needs to be interlocked, otherwise there will be a huge bump there The rest of the map looks pretty good, although its not the best remake that I have seen. One part that needs some work is the medical building. The open box just does not cut it in the remake. I would suggest using some bridges if possible, because they seem to be the proper length Edit: I just read your post about the lack of materials. Still, if possible a different med house would be great.
Awesome Billy, great job!!! From what I can see, this is the best remake of my favorite halo 2 map so far. Talk about a challenge. Pat yourself on the back buddy and don't get too caught up in the pretentious criticism like "Where's all teh intarloking?". Many players do not realize just how difficult a remake is. You got my DL. Easily 5/5. NO ONE will ever make a remake of the map this good. INCREDIBLE. DOWNLOAD THIS PEOPLE. EDIT: I have since downloaded the map and played it 2v2. I was very impressed. Although some parts of the Halo 2 version are missing, one must understand that it is necessary. These maps have limits and this map pushes them to the exteme.
Overall, this looks really good. Should've interlocked the bridges, but still looks fine. Also, it could be a little bit cleaner on some of the walls and such. I havent Downloaded yet, but can we haz superjumps included with this? jk xD You have my DL soon as i have room
I don't mean to be a prick, but there are many flaws it this map. I give you a 'A' for effort but an 'F' in originality. Even I tried to remake Turf, but i put a little twist on mine. Anyways, i will download it and see how it plays. And to tell the truth, all the people above are kind of bumbshits. Do you really need interlocking and geomearging to have a great time playing Halo 3? I think people lost the real picture of what Halo 3 is meant to be. And that is to just have fun at its purest form. Why judge the map when you haven't even played it. Get smart people. I'll rate it after i play it with a couple of friends.