Don't be fallin' now! Epic battles. Phenomenal aesthetics. Colossal scale. It's all happening this December... Debo Night 2008 Be there. This is another preview screenshot from Felipe's AMAZING new Blackout map, due to be revealed to the masses on Debo Night 2008. Think 20x better than the Ire of Fire and you're somewhere in the neighborhood.
Seen it, Love it. It's epic. I can't wait to see the finished final version. When I first saw it, no joke, my jaw dropped.
When isn't Debo Night? Thanks again for promoting this so much, Debo. Thanks for the comment, Linu. You can help us test next weekend, Eamonn, but I recommend waiting until it's posted when the gameplay is 100%
lol that map was so effing epic i couldn't believe it. is he obsessed with those things? either way it was awesome and a **** load of fun to finally kill shock theta. i've been trying to be on the opposite team from him for months but i always ended up in an MLG game on his team. Basically great map, great fun.
lol well if that made you **** yourself....wait till you see the map. it looks great and plays well too. but yeah i shat myself too!
Well I'm sure there was plenty of cumming last night... As for a release date of the map, think late December (provided everything goes as planned).