I believe this group to be the new RvB. Their videos are amazing and top notch; the best I've ever seen! They've taken video game machinima to a new level of awesomeness. What really made me actually subscribe to them was this video: YouTube - Duel with the Duo Perfect everything. I really look forward to this group's progression through machinima.
I have never, truly never seen something so epic. Makes me want to go do that.....wanna? jk but no seriously, that was too epic
Amazing...just...Amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAjY1leC4WQ&feature=channel_page That video is also epic. Editing, is flawless. Edit: No, no. I found something even better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4LtIfesD4M&feature=channel_page That is just... This totally brings my motivation back. I remember in 2006. I watched hollywoodhalo on myspace. Watched their HMV, and thats what got me to purchase Xbox live. If it wasn't for them, I most likely wouldn't be posting here now. This group gives me hope that Halo 3 can live up to Halo 2...I believe.
They're some of the most amazing machinimators I've seen! They branch out into other things too though, and they're damn good at that too. TheDuoGroup means some serious buisness, and kicks some serious ass. I knew about them back when Knocking on Heaven's Door was their only Halo 3 machinima (and is was great!). Then somehow they got better.