Halo 3 Forges youtube stole Picetta's map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by drak, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Holy **** stop complaining, its not like they downloaded the map and said it was their own, and their not stealing downloads so idk what your talking about.
    all they did was put anonymous so you guys wouldn't ****ing debate over who made the map. Just let them continue making videos and live on, damn.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The guy's fileshare says that he created it. It gives no references to the real author, and he's getting all the credit. That is plagiarism.

    BTW, look out for a comment on that video by Shiren148.
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Ha ha, what tools.

    You're all stupid if you don't think that this is map stealing, that's my two cents.
  4. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm going to tell YouTube to make them take their maps down.
  5. Furry

    Furry Guest

    So you're saying forge sites that focus on a specific type of forging isn't a forging site? Not trying to be a ass here but your facts aren't structured.

    I'm talking about the maps that don't get released on Forge Hub. There are also very small forging communities within B.net where they keep there maps to themselves.

    Hahahhaha, I really hope that was sarcasm. I find this thread hilarious. Its funny how people care so much about something they did not truly create. Even the original XBL creator did not create. Bungie made it, so technically, claiming it would be plagirism, would it not?
  6. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I first the First one to tell him, that his map was stolen by these forging douche bags. They do not give any credit to the creator, look at their website they explain why. I say we petition them to stop showing off other creators content, they should either make their own maps or stop their series. They have stolen other maps too, It's terrible how machinima is letting this through.
  7. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Furry makes the videos? If so...

    Ha ha, DENIAL.

    We've just caught ourselves a map thief, people. Champagne, anyone?
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What does that have to do with them stealing maps? Nada. Why are you defending plagiarism so much?

    You ever read the license? You know, the one you're supposed to read before you save every map you make?
    Are you respecting the rights of others, by claiming credit for their creations?

    Edit: Those whores. They stole Val's map, Mass Driver.
  9. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I never said such a thing, now you're just twisting my words, I just stated that most of the other sites have certain types of maps they focus on. The ones that I'm seeing in these videos such as this one by Picceta aren't such. Picceta's isn't a racetrack, MLG, switch etc. It's just a normal casual/competitive map and there aren't many sites that deal with normal maps.

    Well a B.net group isn't a "forging site", therefore there still aren't "countless forging sites". I'm pretty sure I could probably count them on two hands.

    Btw, I'm not saying what happened with the videos is map stealing. I just think its rediculous that they don't include the author because they can't trust everyone saying its theirs. Thats why you don't listen to people; you do some research on your own. Which goes back to Insane's point:

    In which you responded with.
    and then;

    That would be retarded.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Guys, just to let oyu know, I'm trying to resolve it with their group right now. If that doesn't work, I might petition their 'umbrella' Machinima.com.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Sorry for the bump and double post, go ahead and infract me, I don't care. I NEED to show you guys this comment there.
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    lol I stirred up so much commotion...all I see is replies and shiz....lol
    Yep, he's pretty much what equals a dumbass

    16. dumbass 28 up, 17 down [​IMG][​IMG]
    1. Individuals not properly educated or familiar with the various and correct uses of words like your and you're or their, there, and they're
    2. Often a person or people who define another person or group of people as stupid, either in print or speech, and simultaneously misuse or misspell various words in their descriptions.
    3. George W. Bush
    1. Your pretty ugly (correct usage would be, You're pretty ugly)

    2. Thim dumassses is dumbb to pepoles like us god-perceiving. (I need not comment on the ineptitude of a state like this).

    3. 'Dubya' speaks for himself.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What the ****?

    Now he's claiming I didn't read it right.

  14. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I can see these people wanting to show maps, give them a review, get people to download them to give them publicity and get people to play good maps in custom games, but there reviews suck since they tell nothing about how the map plays, its strong qualities nor its weak ones, they make no effort on finding creators since pretty much every video says "Creator: Anonymous" except when it's apparently their map and they don't even give credit to anyone but themselves for making the video and somehow they're the heroes for showing everyone these maps.
  15. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Why are you trying to resolve something that is out of your reach? It is not illegal. It is not your video. It is not your youtube channel. You certainly don't own Machnima. Just chillax guys, rather than being aggressive towards them, why not discuss it over a cup of tea?
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    How is it out of reach? I can ask for them to fix it if I were the creator of the map variant. I can report their stolen content on Bungie. I can contact Machinima.com to complain about them.
  17. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    These people have also stolen my map Forgotten Crypt and TDF's & Sarge's Peasant Hunt Variant. Please report these people for stealing maps.

    Is there a way we can talk to the Machinma.com guys to not put up their videos. Is there a respected person on FH from machinma?
  18. drak

    drak Ancient
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  19. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You'd think that a video posted after we requested they add the authors would have the authors if they really cared.

    I doubt they are trying to steal it or claim it as their own, they just aren't very courteous or thoughtful not adding the authors name.
  20. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Yeah, they just posted a video of a map of Orbitalshot's there, and did not even once mention his name. There's no way they could get the map and not know who made it. They're thieves.

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