Complex 388

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SCUPizzaBoy, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Complex 388 is a close combat map featuring a series of enclosed rooms spanning across three floors. The map is completely sealed in with no way out.

    As screenshots would not show too much due to the many twists and turns of the map, here is a text walkthrough.

    First Floor.
    Starting at Red/Defense bade on the bottom floor, you come to a fork. Left takes you to a loop that comes back to rejoin the hallway. In the loop is Shotty, Needler, trip mine, and deployable cover. At the right hand path of the fork (also where the loop meets back) is a grav lift leading to the Cage (more on that in a moment) and a turn heading to the stairs to the second floor. A few items and a Brute shot are at the bottom of the stairs.

    Second Floor.
    The first thing you see upon arriving on the second floor landing is the Cage. This cage can only be gotten in from the first floor, but allows people on the first floor to fire on the main hallways of the second floor. An over shield is held in the cage. The path forks at the landing again, and heading right past the cage will lead to Blue/Attackers base. Left will lead you to a room above the shotgun room. The cage floor allows you to shoot at people on the floor below you. Turning right in this room leads down a short tunnel to the sword room, where the path forks again. Left is the Central Shaft, an area that has openings on all floor and lets you drop from the upper floors to the below floors. Right from the sword room is a grav lift leading to the third and topmost floor.

    Third floor.
    An open space greats you on the third floor, with some weapons and a regenerator. Following the path leads to the third floor hallway. At the end of the hallway is invisibility and a Gravity Hammer, as well as the top of the Central Shaft where you can drop down to rain invisible hammer death to those on second and first floors.

    Over 8 hours of work by me was put into this map. It has been play tested in parties of 2, 4, and 16 on Slayer and Infection. All gametypes are supported. It has been tweaked several times, getting weapon placement just right for the map.

    I have had close to thirty people playtest the map for me, and all but one or two loved the map, especially on infection. I hope you download it and enjoy it!

    Please leave a small review off the map if you wish, your comments will be kept in mind while I am working on future maps.
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    Welcome to the AJ Review
    Description- 10 out of 10
    Pictures 0-10
    Link(s)- 2 out of 4
    Overall- 4 out of 10

    Look your thread needs some work. You have a great description that goes above and beyond. However you have 0 pictures, which is bad, real bad. Your link is the standard URL link, change it to a word that links you to it like "Download ______" or something will score you a 3 out of 4 on the links.

    I have spoken!
  3. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    Pictures are necessary according to the board rules. We'd love to see the close quarters, even if it's hard to tell anything. It will give us a feel for just how tight this map is. And, yes, shorten the link.

    EXCELLENT description, though. Everyone else, take notice!
  4. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    I will attempt to get a video up, either through Geevee or a good quality offscreen camera. Again, its hard to get pictures of such a tight and twisty map. I'll post back in an hour or two with my results.
  5. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    That'll be great. I won't lock. =)
  6. gman347

    gman347 Ancient
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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    i will dl when i get the map pack
  7. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Complex 388 - A close combat map that pushes Foundry to its limits.

    By removing one layer of the map at a time, I was able to get some screenshots of each floor.
    I also have an offscreen video here

    Third floor (with top ceiling removed).

    Second floor (floating stuff is from the third floor).

    First floor (floating stuff from above floors).

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