Ice rider

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by killer 1251, Dec 13, 2008.


What do you rate this track?

  1. Awesome

    5 vote(s)
  2. Decent

    2 vote(s)
  3. Needs work

    0 vote(s)
  4. horrible

    2 vote(s)
  1. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
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    A cool track on Avalanche


    This track took me about 10 hours to make and 1 hour testing it. The overall track has a very nice flow and design to it. The track includes banked straightaways and turns, is all double wide, anti cheat checkpoint/anti cheat track, grav lift assisted turns, and well merged objects. The track also has 8 mongoose with a starting area. Here a quick run through of how the tack goes. First you come out of the starting area and head straight until you reach the first turn. After the first turn you your turn onto bridges which leads on to the first straightaway, which is also at an angle. After the straightaway you head down the 2nd banked turn which leads you to another turn. After this turn you go straight and turn a little more until your back on the Avalanche floor. Once your there you kind of go straight until you reach the checkpoint. After the checkpoint you do the final turn and your back where you started. Hope you Enjoy the track.



    Overview 2

    Starting area

    First turn

    Uphill straightaway

    After Straightaway

    Downhill turn

    downhill path

    2nd to last turn


    Last turn

    Game type: RACETRACKS

    Author: killer 1251

    Download link: Ice rider

  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow this looks, really well done! i cant beleave it!
    im going to have to mae a race map because all the ones i see are like pro made. and you know practice makes perfect.
    ill download.

    ps: you can cheat really easy!

    Edit: Ok im playing this map now with a few of my friends, and tis is what i think...

    Things i...

    Dont Like:
    - the first set of walls
    - the bridges arn't geo merged
    - It is a bit hard to get up to the man cannons
    - I cant stay on the turns that well, the wall are there to more force you on the track not to keep you in it.
    - And it is WAY to easy to cheat!

    - The way you made the ramp up.
    - The amount of Money you didn't use.
    - And the set up of the track, it a bit like a figure 8 but more like a swiggle.

    I enjoy the map, aat first but when i really started t pick it to peaces i didn't like it so much. i would say 2/5 better luck next time.
  3. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    This is one of those racetracks I personally love the ones that are an oval type racetrack that isnt a loop de loop or corkscrew, a nice flat mape that looks like something a real driver could drive, er umm using super grip vehicles. Never mind the map ist self is great smooth and never the less seems like Halo's worst driver (Me) could complete it. 5/5

    Cheating is not something fair people do but i mean your right with that it is easy but sometimes people actually play by the rules lol good point i didnt even notice that
    #3 xLMSxTRiLoGY, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  4. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can't cheat on the track unless you don't want to get points as you go through the checkpoint. The checkpoint is were are the teleports are.

    The bridges also didn't need to be merged since they were perfectly smooth.
  5. DEANM12

    DEANM12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice, looks great. You interlocked the sniper tower base really well. Good thing you can't cheat. Looks great make v2
  6. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    looks very nice, but why did u make it go into the ground. those ramps are a very good drivable surface and u used them for walls. and that reminds me... what about all the walls? you couldnt have used them all in that one corner could you?

    this track has good interlocking, but its length and lack of floating stuff (you could have done sooooo much more) bring down its overall score to a 3/5
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Ha, I dl'd this map the other day from your file share, not knowing you hadn't posted it yet. The map is a pretty good one. Everything is smooth. It IS uncheatable... idk how you could not know this, unless you base everything on pictures and don't actually provide the courtesy to download and play the map before you give a bad rating... The map is fun although a bit short. This one will be on my HD for a while. Great racetrack 9/10
  8. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    wow a magnificent race map, most race maps on avalanche are a huge adrediline rush, from not knowing if you will make it or not. I enjoy these maps. The interlocking looks smooth and rideable. I do see a this map comming in handing for a fun ride or two with my friends ill dl 4/5
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This is a very good racing map on avalanche. The only two things I don't like is the fact that it looks like it would be a rollercoaster map, and that the track itself just looks ugly, sorry bought that, but it just does. The interlox is smooth and awesome, but the, the,... I just can't explain it.

    Bah, whatev, Great Job will DL 4/5
  10. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Pretty good killer. I am glad to see that some people know how to set up the spawn points correctly. The track was nice. I prob would not have picked such a large angle on the bank. Other than that, great job. Why only a link to one game type. I don't think the guys at halotracks will be mad at you. They don't even play halo anymore. Well, keep making some sweet tracks. 4/5
  11. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
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    Well I don't really know why I chose just one game type maybe later I'll put up another game type or something.
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Good effort. Like I stated earlier, the track is fun. The only things I can comment on is the fact that the bank is banked too much. It almost makes the course seem unnatural. The goal is too big for it's own good. That style faded out a long time ago. Now a days the goal should be as thin as possible. You overdid the portals and the goal size. I am glad to see that you set the spawn points up correctly. Not a bad track.. I just don't really see myself racing it to often.

    DREAM pro racetrack review:

    Final score: 3.5/5

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