V2 is here! V2 changes: I added a wall by B base for more cover New under middle (mongoose spawn) I raised the height if the fence wall so theres no more bump Added some Walls under B base and a crate made the fence wall platform neater Replaced the corner wall with a fence wall and a single box Ok, here is the new bottom layer, its not open anymore and i also added two fusion coils Other changes: Added two magnums, opposite sides of the map to each other Well, Cordena is a small slayer map, this is my first ever competitive map i have made i hope you guys think its good It took around 10 hours to make, but i will be happy to spend many more hours improving it if you guys want me to. This my first map i have geo-merged walls into the ground on aswell. This map is impossible to escape from (please tell me if you find a way to escape, not in forge) Weapon list: 1 mauler - 120 respawn 4 frags - 20 respawn 4 plasmas - 20 respawn 1 assault rifle 3 BRs 3 carbines 1 sniper - 120 respawn 2 SMGs 2 Magnums Equipment list: 1 bubble shield - 120 respawn 1 REgenertor - 120 respawn 1 power drain - 120 respawn Recommended Gametypes: Small Team slayer, 2v2 works best, however i have put 4 start points for each team if you ever wanted to have 4v4 FFA Thanks to: for being testers for Cordena Blade 9793 Silced down Freakguy64 and especially Porkstein who pointed out some little things that has improved the maps gameplay and smoothness Download: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Now, here is the map: (some things have been changed since some of these pictures were taken) Overview 2 Sniper spawn (left) and ramp (right) B base, where blue team spawn Mauler spawn and ramps Ramp A base, where red team spawn View from ramp corner Overview of whole map okay, now here are action shots: ( i didnt realise how many i had taken =D) Okay, that is Cordena please feel free do give feedback, whether good or bad as it will help me improve my map, thanks Here is the download link incase you missed it at the top: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Me and my friends have had fun playing this map, i hope you will too!
Woot first. Anyway this looks like a very fine map, the interlox looks good although some structures look off and akwardly floating in the air. I will DL cause I like the smooth and refined look, although a few parts just stick out like splinters. Gooj Gob 4/5
The map looks interesting. I like the flow of the layout. Besides a couple of asthetics here and there, it looks like it could be a really fun map. Also I like your use of ramping structures. After playing through a handful of forged maps I've always noticed one thing; ramps make for better gameplay then jumps, as in a fray, those jumps become very dangerous and are usually avoided or become deathpits. Anyways nice man, you got a dl here.
Wow really smooth how could game play be bad on something this smooth, There are a few bumps here or there but otherwise it seems like a really nice map, the layout is interesting and might take some time to get used to. 4/5 you got +1 dl I like the v2 updates, the fact that you made the boxes not magically float in the sky is good , you added more cover which is good, and you fixed up some of the bumps , now I have to download v2 so i can look at it even more than i did v1.
During my testing I don't remember bumping once; it has to be said that the interlocking is very smooth. But as Pheonix said screenshots never do a map justice and from what I've played the gameplay is top-notch; I've never quite grasped what makes a good layout, but this is definately a good example. It's also nice to see a small map that doesn't take up the whole of Foundry every now and again. However, as I very recently told Destroyer, and as Youtuber has already said, I did think some of the structures did look a little awkward floating in the air. Still, excellent map.
Do you think i should add walls and/or boxes under the floating boxes? i will if you lot want me too, any way thanks for feedback
From what I remember the passages under the boxes weren't used much, but I wouldn't block them off completely. Perhaps block most of the 'under center' passage off so that it looks more like a passage and less like a large gap underneath a box, without affecting gameplay. It's up to you though.
okay, thanks, ill do that tomorrow, by the way im not Destroyer7793 any more, i changed it to T4K Shadow
Wow, this has to be one of the best small 1v1 2v2 maps ive ever seen. the hole map is infected with amazing interlocking and geomerging, i dont see anymistakes. I will dl and get back to you on the gameplay but by the pics, the interlocking is great. nice job
Wow this is a very very good map. i can tell you spent a lot of time on it. you got my download. Are there any more gametypes other than slayer, because i think oddball and king of the hill maybe could play nicley here. and why not even have juggernaut. I think you should reduce the equipment respawn time from 120 to 90, in my opinion.and also the boxes just kind floating there isnt good. i think you should cover it up. 5/5 well deserveed.
I like it, its got a ton of really nice forging. Its also very neatly done. Layout is great for game play. Though if i may suggest, you take out the mongoose, theirs always a guy in every party who rides the thing around accomplishing nothing
lol, ive never seen a mongoose on an mlg map! this looks like a really cool map, not only for mlg, but for regular play too. you have my download and a 5/5 also, you might want to re-interlock the lower corner wall with the doublebox, theyre interlocked so perfectly that they flickr in and out of each other.
First off nice map! Ok.. Pros: 1. Needz moar interlocks.. jks the interlocking is really good, looks pretty flawless to me 2. Aesthetically pleasing, special note to the B Base 3. Nice weapon placement, mauler is perfect for this map because is not a very overpowering weapon Cons: 1. The awkward floating, which has already been addressed 2. Needler could be placed on the wall above where it spawns, just for aesthetics, and place two teleporter arrows also for aesthetics Thats my submission overall good map!!! i rate hmmm 4.6/4.8 well done nice map!!
This is a very good looking map. I like the houses a lot. You have nice interlocking especially the double box ramp, that was very well made. All the weapons seem to be balanced for it. I can't wait to try this out. Great job man.
i originally had them on 90 but they seemed to spawn fast, maybe it was because i was having fun and time went by so quickly =D
Cordena Summary; What i can see looks pretty impressive, especially considering you've only used about half of foundry. I like the way you've presented it as well, it looks mostly very clean and precise. Layout; The map design looks quite unique, and i'd like to see how it plays with different gametypes, it seems somewhat different to most setups to what i see in cometetive maps Bases; The bases look good, the blue base in particular. The aethetics on this one looks very nice, but it seems maybe slightly bigger and better than the red one. Aesthetics; Some of the aesthetics could do with something a little more eye-pleasing, I mean, it doesn't look bad, but where the interlocking looks out of place, but that's not enough to ruin the map. Weapons; The weapons & equipment list shows to be like a regular MLG setup, but the layout is more competitive and could maybe use a little 'twist' such as a flamethrower, rocket launcher, or something. Summary; I'm going to rate a 5/5, simply because it's well laid out, well forged, the post is very good and shows off all the best parts, the screenshots show us everything, (almost) and basically it's a map worh 5/5. Keep it up!
I have now hopefully fixed the awkward floating and i removed the needler after the first test, i found that it was to overpowering on this map, anyway thanks