How about Reaver from Fable 2, he seems to be more evil than the main bad guy (Lucian) and he kills a certain character that I really liked, it was only three months Reaver!
Dr. Eggman... He makes large armies of robots that in real life could destroy man kind... And he builds these armies by himself.
I would really have to say the covenant. Halo is the first game that I was enticed to, so I suppose it sticks with me. Another one would possibly gruntilda from Banjoo and Kazooie. It was my first game and N64 pwned.
Omg like foe real, mine is that Super Mario Sunshine Evil Mario-turned-out-to-be-Bowsers-son-guy (<--,LOL) Gamecube games; good times, good times.
that makes absolutely no sense. the nemesis... after being mutated like **** and blown to pieces and then killed again... years later gets himself together, and goes to africa... to hunt down Chris... among a group of infected people who arent zombies. ill kill capcom.
It's very interesting. If you want, I'll send you the review about him. They were like "Wtf?!?!" too.
HELLO, Alma the Little Ghost Girl who can't be killed, she melts people, blew up half a City and now she has an army of mass produced Clone Soldiers she can control from anywhere. Not to mention she can summon up the Dead, Hellish Death Tendrils and who knows what else. Oh and did I mention she can teleport and likes to torture and scare the **** out of people. AND SHE IS DEAD so will be effectively around forever. All she wanted was her sons and considering one shot the other one in the head she has to kill him and there will be no happy ending.
Yeah GLaDOS is by far the coolest evil character I have seen, she is the character that won portal the best game writing award, and she made me laugh sometimes, too =)
Yeah, by far GLaDOS is probably one of the funniest, but most evil characters I've seen. I always laughed at what she would say about the character.
My vote goes a few ways... First off Revolver/Liquid Ocelot...Prolly not the most evil per say but the man is a genius. Sephiroth would most likely take it except that I can kinda see why he went crazy. Ganondorf is prolly the one I'll give it to. He is just flat out evil, and he has no good reason besides greed.