I don't know if this has been posted or documented before but something really bizarre happened to me in Forge. I was trying to move a fusion coil when a different coil would appear every time I would try to grab it. This is the first 10 seconds or so of the video. After I bump into the coil I was trying to grab, it started floating as if it were in zero gravity. I could bump into it and it floated away. (There is a second video of this in my fileshare as well.) Tell me if this has already been discovered but I thought a search on floating fusion coils would only come up with the obvious.) Link to clip---http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17988175
Ya this happend to me to. were u using the budget glich? thats what i was using, and i was pertty much at max object's on my map when the floating clone started. it did it to fusion coils and crates. i think it has somthing to do with having too much items on the map
ok, this is kinda old but, i'll try to explain it. if you have 2 fusion coils and you set the respawn time on one of them to never respawn and set the runtime min to the max, then you destroy the one set to never respawn, and move the other one, (not picking it up, like walking into it) it will spawn a second fusion coil where the moved one spawned. then pickup the moved one and the one that just spawned will be floating. basicly your using the floating vehicle glitch on a fusion coil. why does this happen? its because there are two of the same object on the map, not just two fusion coils, but two of the same fusion coil. so when you pick up the first one, it loses gravity and follows you, basicly you picked it up, but the other doesn't follow you it just loses its gravity.
Could anyone say this a bit more clearly? i dont fully understand it, but i know you can do this technique with ghosts, and its really cool, i just dont know how...
just do that, but with a fusion coil. and i'm sorry it was hard for you to understand, i just wrote that real quick. edt: there i cleaned it up.
Tried it, it works: 1 - spawn 2 fusion coils, far enough away from each other that 1 wont blow the other 1 up. 2 - Put run time minimum to 2 3 - Put one respawn time to never. 4 - Shoot that barrel 5 - go to the other barrel and run into it a bit, the other 1 should respawn 6 - Pick up the barrel you just ran into Hey presto !