Yes I did fix the spawn issue after a good 3-4 hours working on it over a period of a week. I also do recommend it to anyone who will take the time to DL it.
Not to be mean but it looks like a lot of random structers everywhere. It looks like you just wanted to prove that you could geo-merge and merge. But it also looks like it could be made into something good.
To me, it just seems like normal Standoff with a few structures, but after some thinking, i decided that those few structures could change gameplay quite a bit! Not really much to say about the Forging, so ill give your map a 4/5.
i very much agree, the map is partially to show that geomerging in standoff has been mastered by him, havent you read the story? however just because that may be so doesnt make this a bad map. you obviously cant make map on standoff that isnt covered in random structures. although what would you consider random structures? i wouldnt call these randomn , as obviouly, they are stragegically placed to create very good gameplay and cover. and even with the fact that they are all double open boxes and bridges, i think they are quite geniously created. awsome job adyless, there are actually quite a few standoff maps... to name the ones i know, Bloodshot, Solaris, Heatwave, Step up, a hundred different mini games, and now multifarious.
Actually my whole goal of the map was not to just prove that I could geo-merge I wanted to make a Standoff map that was crazy fun to play on and give great strategic movements, and thats what I did. Thank you, I actually through the structures through to provide the best game play...sure the map looks like they are randomly placed because you are so very limited with the supplies you can use on Standoff. Thank you, and I was unaware of all these maps, I've only heard od Heatwave , Solaris, and Step Up.
Very nice map Adelyss. I love Standoff and am glad you liked my idea, and you have made it play better then the original standoff. This map is a epic win burger. Great job once again, i enjoyed testing this even if i lagged, i remember countless times you ruining my banshee while i was boarding it. And other times when i got a frenzy or 2 in it lol. I realy enjoyed this map.
Yes thank you for making me mess around on Standoff to create this map. ^-- Thank you also, like I've said before the structures are not random they are placed so the game play is maximum.
Dont worry Adelyss, I didnt forget to post on this. I was waiting for the right time. On to my long ass review. ::Aesthetics:: The aesthetics on Multifarious were rather well put. There werent many things to point out on this map for aesthetics since it was mainly built to enhance the overall playability of Standoff. Although not much was included in Multifarious, the interlocking and merging on this map was phenomenal. I can understand how tough it was too geomerge on Standoff. Multifarious boasts its unique feature of having all its bases created at an almost exact 180 degree angle. All the connecting boxes moved on to the next very smoothly. Almost like water. Score: 7.7/10 ::Layout:: The layout on this map was very simple yet well executed. Multifarious has an extremely well-thought out layout. Anyone could have thought of making more bases on standoff, but Adelyss has taken this to the next level by creating almost symmetrical structures that were made for a single purpose; Gameplay. I really liked the middle structure though. It was an oddly shaped structure that provided a real "umph" to the boring center of Standoff. Score: 8.1/10 ::Gameplay:: Multifarious supports the best gameplay on any forged Standoff map I have seen to date. Spawns were reworked countless times to support just the right amount of people and weapons were allocated in a balanced fashion. No one side of this map is stronger unless in asymmetric games which is a real gameplay booster since this is a fairly large map. I remember playing a game of Multi-Flag that lasted for eight minutes but always kept me in my seat and my eyes on the television. The gameplay for Multifarious is amazing. Score: 9.2/10 ::Overall:: Altogether, Multifarious is a great map that deserves your download. Gameplay, aesthetics, and its layout will not dissapoint. Adelyss has really outdone himself on his newest map. You definetly have my download. Total Score: 8.3/10
Thanks for taking the time and pain of writing that review, a very hefty one I must say also. Basically all of what he has said sums up the whole map and if after reading that and you still truly don't feel like Downloading then I'm fine as long as I have satisfied one person with creating this map. Any Comments on what could be changed though...anyone?
its pretty good, but there's not much to it. i think you can add some more "stuff", like maybe some more cover other than just the bases. nice work on it though, for the most part it looks fun
Hey, I remember this. I didnt know this was posted. I played a game of FFA Swat on here with you and phreakie and vorpal Raven and etc... But I got the most EPIC beatdown of my life on this map. I dont know about objective games, but swat was awesome on here. I do think the fencebox in the tree seems random, but it looks so cool, and I dont think it could hurt gameplay real bad. It does make less tree to hide behind. Oh well, I will download and see what the other games play like. Great Job.
Well I'm actually out of immovable objects and all that is left is like crates and wirespools and personally I didn't really want to just throw those everywhere as cover. Objective on this map is where its at, I'd recommend Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and some Assault, though CTF is by far the most fun gametype to play on this map. Lol wouldn't having that geo-merge there make more to hide behind? because its bigger than the tree? Anyways I thought this post was dead so I haven't looked at it for awhile until now, though I still wish people would give it a try.
Great job! Geomerging with out doors is really hard, so i've got to say, you did a great job. By the way, how exactly do you geomerge with out doors? The tree through the fence box is awesome!
Really nice adelyss, I think I remember playing something like this in Halo 2 but cant remember. I have never tried geomerging on standoff, I dont know how you did it, but it worked LOL. And this and another map called JENGA are the best looking ones i have seen on Standoff yet. Yes, it does have a lot of potential for gameplay and you did really well on the aesthetics. Il DL and try it today when I sign into XBL.