Hello i found this site which lets you draw and then show the world ( as to say ) And i thought we could all do stuff halo related. the website is art.com artPad And make something halo and post it here Here is An Example flash_detection There's a guide on how to do it i will show you 1 - make your painting 2 -Go to Save And Send 3 - Add Alll Details And You Will See A Little Line Of Text 4 - Click the little word that says here 5 - copy and paste and put as your post. Please no dicks or sexual intercourse just halo. I'll put the good ones in this hall of fame ( Hall Of Fame ) - art.com artPad Twinbird24's Good Halo 3 Symbol - art.com artPad TK's MLG Symbol - art.com artPad A Very Detailed Arbiter - art.com artPad A Cute Arbiter - flash_detection A Awesome Chopper -
here u go it says H3 in the middle of the drawing you'll see.... took me forever!! flash_detection Edit: tell me what you think!
Twinbird you have been inducted into the hall of fame congratulations! TKOWNEDU5 it was good but it only had H3 and that's not that halo 3 material
here U go this one is way better i swear its a totally different picture have a look at this one! flash_detection Edit: hope this one will make you happy!
Yessss!!!! thank-you so much I'm glad i could do this this was soo fun! how many times can we be in the hall of fame!
mkay, this took a while.... http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?kbtssipvmw changed link, fixed some things, and I signed it, to make sure you know I didn't make this up.
Okay guys I'm online now and randle i loved the master chief helmet very nice Coward very nice chopper your going in the hall of fame! SCG That Was Very Cute Hall Of Fame Material! Fastforward the elite was very nice but i can't make everyone in the hall of fame sorry\ Felipe VERY NICE Welcome To The Hall Of Fame!