Try Fold • • • Author - BANDiTzero 18 • • • Download Try Fold • Available Gametypes: All • Recommended Gametypes: Slayer | CTF | Assault | Oddball | King of the Hill • Gametypes made for map: • Recommended Players: 4-10 Team | 3-7 FFA • Description: "Once occupied as a Covenant training facility to train their own." The map is very balanced & completely symmetrical. Try Fold resembles Construct and a little of Midship in a way hence the nickname "Midstruct". It houses 2 levels, separated by a tall structure in the middle of the map. Try Fold has been re-worked with balanced weapon placement and over 80% of the map interlocked. • At the front of the map: Mostly open with few nicely placed crates and dumpsters, where the two teams spawn. In the very front middle is a mancannon which will take you to the exact top center of the map. Snipers, Power Drainer, BRs, Carbines, and Plasma Pistol reside here. • Middle of map: Most of the conflict takes place here in the middle, especially the top middle where it can become very open, then to closed walkways, which make out intense outcomes. Carbines, Spikers, and Sword control this area. • Back of the map: Lots of conflict here also, grenades become very useful, either by banking frags or sticking your enemies. On either side at the back contains both "Bases" where the flags are and bomb plants are located. Be aware always though, camo spawns on the bottom, and rockets spawn on the top. Also a Mauler is at each side with 2 plasmas.
The images arnt showing. But i looked at the links you posted at the bottom, and it looks really good. I like how you made a map that almost specifically for 'callouts' so that it is a very competative map. If im bieng reeaaally picky, i disagree with where you put the sniper rifle (2nd pic) i just think it looks out of place, but im sure you have a good reason to put it there.
Ahhh.. I thought it might be my browser. I don't know what the problem is, would I need to resize the images from imageshack?
Tick both boxes, and change the size to 640. It should work normally but thats the best image size IMO. Make sure you have on the left and /img] on the right of all of the links. [b]Use the 'direct link to image' link, which is the very bottom one.[/b] If your still stuck post back.
I can't download from bungie for some reason. If you want you can send me a FR or I'll send you one and DL from my xbox.
The map makes you seem so small because of the high walls and stuff. reminds me of another map that I enjoyed that had a similar feel to it. Looks great though, can't find a flaw yet. I can't download it because my router is broken so... I'll have to wait =[ but from what I see it looks spectacular! =]
XxXShabutieXxX It may be that ur queved DLs are full, or your live has turned silver?? Idk... Thanks man, I guess the tall walls come from the influence of playing Marathon... love that game
This map looks so sweet, I love the tall buildings all around giving it a downtown feel. And that building in the center looks amazing, gj.
This looks like a good layout but aesthetically it leaves me wanting. Interlocking objects would clean this map up tremendously and possibly lead to more downloads. You're right about the walls, they do make spartans seem smaller.
Thanks, I didn't think much of this map when I was creating it the first day... everything just sorta fell in place
This looks pretty good but i really can't say for sure. If someone who has played this could post a review or something here, that'd be nice.