Legendary DLC Castlanche

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    everything on this map looks amazing. I am amazed by how much dedication you put into this map. The forging is incredible and one bomb and one flag look like a blast. I only wish it supported some more gametypes. I definitely believe you will get a feature with this.
  2. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Great job on Completely obsessing over all of the suggestions... All of the test session were great and I am sure that this can make it into machmaking. If it doesn't. I will punch Shishka in the mouth.
  3. that worm

    that worm Ancient
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    brilliant map

    deffinate download

    best BTB and one sided objective map EVA

    mad geomeging and interlocking


    when you showed me this map I was blown away, its exactly the way a BTB objective map should be, you've set the standard I now measure all other BTB maps against.
    the balenced weapon placement, the many subtle paths in and out of the base, the carfully planned flag routes, the way the map can switch between casual gameplay and compedative tactical battles is effortless and brilliantly executable.


    so yea to re-iterate

  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This map looks like it has a lot of potential. Consider it downloaded.
    You don't see too many maps on avalanche that use a heavy arsenal of vehicles...and usually they consist of a warthog, banshees and some mongii, lol. So I'm excited to see a map use a tank, ghost and a Brute Chopper.

    Oh and for future reference, if you need more pics in your post, just merge two pics together using a simple photo editing program. Then you can throw a ton of pics on your post without technically hitting the image limit.
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I had....much testing on this map. I remember it from the BETA, a couple months back. The defenders had it all, the power weapons, everything. Attackers had basically nothing. Guess what? Gameplay was amazing then too.
    Now, seeing this map evolve was crazy. The structures are 100% Toxic Spade's, they are all original to-the-max. The lifts amazed me from the beginning, my whole team got pissed at me for sitting in the lifts for like two minutes, just going up-and-down-and-up-and-down.....you see my point. Truly one of the most versatile maps I've seen.
    Anyone want to go into the other side of the map? Be my guest. It will only be to your team's detriment. I suggest you don't.
    The jumps are fairly easy on this map, yet can get you far if you sit on the map for 10 minutes alone and just try to get from here-to-there.
    Truly an epic map, 6/5, and I recommend this map for a feature. In addition to that, I recommend this for a TGIF, and maybe even a regular TGIF map.

  6. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    AWESOME DOWNLOADING! I know how hard it is to get objects on avalanche and keep them strait let alone geo merging 5/5 hope it gets featured!
  7. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Wow. the only thing i can say is wow.

    If i could say more, it would be that this map is ****ing amazing. It is shurely forged to perfection, and amazingly though out and executed. You did an outstanging job, and you really need to make more maps!

    6/5, and a DL. Feature pl0x?
  8. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Thanks. I've already started on a new map in Avalanche I've got a ton of ideas for it, with the experience from this map.

    Yes, I am finally glad I am done with this map. It's a major relief for me as now I don't have to bother people for testing!

    I still regret jumping onto the tank. I really don't know what I was thinking at the time. Thanks for all the time you have put forth with testing. It helped me out a lot. As well, the pic I took of you it was one of the craziest things I have ever seen on that map. Just shows how the gameplay can be so unique at times.
    #28 Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  9. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    It was alot of fun to play on!

    even tho my team beat yours ever game!
  10. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Bravo Spade, Bravo.

    Let me start off by saying, I was quite impressed when you brough up a pic to us at FFT when we were going to submit a map to the Midnight Map Testers Competition. And that was quite a long time ago. I know you've gone a very long way with this map and you've put a whole lot of work into this. I comend you for that. I was also amazed at how much your forging skill has imrpoved on this map compared to some of your older map (no offense towards you what so ever.) To sum it all up, this map truly shows your dedication to forge and how much you wanted to perfect this map.

    Anyway, I know I didn't get to test too much with you, I think I was there for one or two test sessions in slightly earlier stages? I don't know. But even in those earlier stages the map had it's shines. Vehicles were very manueverable, but you were forced to get out of them to get the flag in one flag games. This prevented people from camping that top area where the flag spawns with a warthog turret to cap an easy flag. As well as vehicles, it was also possible to get around onfoot. I wold say there was just about enough cover in the open areas of the map, but using the mancannons was essential if traveling on foot. Debo actuall found a great route to cap the flag in that one testing session I was at, and it was all on foot. The spawns were great, and I didn't have any protests to the weapons really. I would have to say this map goes right up there with Coldfront and Clive as some of the best Avalanche maps created.

    Great Job spade. Hopefully we see some more of where this came from in the future ; )
  11. Chimerathe5th

    Chimerathe5th Ancient
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    This map is a great map. Not only was the gamplay great, but finding the right ideas for it as well. Hope to help with the next maps you make.
  12. El1te Shad0w

    El1te Shad0w Ancient
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    WOW!!!!! This has to be one of the very best maps i have seen on Avalanch to date. The geo-merging and merging looks absolutly flawless. When I first saw how much time you put in to this I was like JESUS!!!! why put that much time into a map then i scrolled down and saw the pictures and my jaw dropped. 5/5 and a DL I'll be looking forward to your next map hope its as good!!!!!
  13. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Actually, you would be surprised how much cover I added originally. It provided a bit too much cover. As well, you need to account for the vehicles, which is the attackers' primary mode of transportation, but I will take your comments into consideration for my next map on Avalanche. Thanks For the Comment.

    Well I have seen so many forged maps on Avalanche, I just never have seen them like this before. This was quite an experience for myself. Thanks again for the comment.
  14. sebcardude

    sebcardude Ancient
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    Great map there! looks like fun
  15. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This is insane, the best non-minigame Avalanche map to date! I love the castle's ascetics. It would probably still be a good idea to block off the other half of Avalanche though, since it isn't being used.

    3992 views? That's insane! This has more than Verbatim already, and it was only released 5 hours ago!

    I smell a feature!!!
  16. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is epic win. It deserves a feature hands down. Almost nobody throws around geomerging on avalanche lightly and you merged almost everthing. I'm DLing as I type this.
  17. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    dear god this looks like the most epic castle map ive seen, and from what i see it is very playable, the geomereging and interlocking looks so clean, if this plays as good as i hear it will be maybe my favorite avalanche map =O you have my download, ill get back to you =]
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wow. You know, I saw this in your sig the other day, and I immediately thought: "I can't wait until he posts this!" And now I've seen the real thing. Holy crap man. There's no way I would ever have that much patience to geomerge all that stuff. Anyways, I've obviously made it clear that the map looks amazing, but I've yet to have a game on it. I'm gonna try and get my friends off of Gears 2 to play this tonight, so I can actually review it.
  19. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Whoah. This looks really intense. Great construction. The castle looks very intricately done, and I see absolutely nothing on the map which is out of place. I remember seeing this in you signature, and thinking of how awesome it was going to be when finished. I am gonna download and get back to you. From what I can tell, nothing LESS than a feature is deserved here. Honestly, you spent a lot of time, and I commend you on this epic map.
  20. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    nice map, one of best on Avalanche. I used that same side on my snipers map. I think its a great feat u made a good map on avalanche. If only Avalanche had more unique items to use.

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