Do you think that there should be a seperate time set for the xboxs? sorta like a universal Xbox live time so you dont have to work out the time zones with your xbox live friends. "hey get on at 6pm microsoft time" something like that. i thought about this because i miss some stuff cuz of the time zones.:frustrated: comments? 1. would you like it? 2. any downfalls? 3. anything else!
Microsoft has its own currency and if this were to happen their own timezone, its like they are turning into a country.
Or you could just tell everyone what timezone you're in. I'm sure they can get off their lazy outdated butts and get moving.
Since when are butts outdated? I love mine and I'd rather not have to turn it in for a newer model Anyway, this idea is such a bad a idea. I mean, we already have to remember 6 time zones. Why add even more time to remember?
this would be fine if i lived on the moon But i dont. I only use 2 time zones really (central and eastern), others are kinda simple to figure out >.> so i think its bad idea.
Or, you could just remember +5 for England and add one hour to every country going east. Simple really.
Microsoft has its own country!? Organize the troops, load up on the pelicans. Time to take over a small country. I drop first.