Legendary DLC Castlanche

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Supported Gametypes
    - One Flag
    - One Bomb
    - Territories.​
    Recommended Players
    - Supports 4v4 games to 8v8 games.
    -The more players, the better!​
    Map Description

    Castlanche is an asymmetrical map that uses one side of avalanche. It's composed of 1 major castle base that houses the defenders ( for most of the time ) and 2 attacker sub-bases that feel like spawn shacks more than anything. Some may argue that the beauty of this map may be the castle, however those who have played it won't think twice about defining this map's game play as the real beauty. This map was intended to inspire people to play objective games, specifically: One Bomb, One flag, and Territories.

    Construction / Modifications

    Initially, I started this project over a month ago and as time went on it had developed into a much larger one. Although I want to discuss this map a bit more, I really do not want to bore you at the same time. If you would would like to read more about it's development please visit it's blog. Here

    I will bring up the fact that I was not the original person to think up of where this castle should be placed on Avalanche. One of my good friends initially thought of the idea, but he simply could not be bothered with forging it. He openly admits he's a bad forger as well. He just joined forgehub his name is Chimerathe5th. He helped me several times with this map, and if I had to thank one person the most I'd thank him.

    The construction of this map was definitely not an easy one and almost had me throwing my xbox a few times. Every item that is currently placed on the map has been placed there atleast twice. This includes, spawns, vehicles, weapons, structures to ensure the best gameplay could be maximized from the map itself. If your wondering how much time this took. Well... I'll be glad to say that before I even started this map, I decided that I was going to time myself with a stop watch. I was partially sick of people saying they spent months on their map, and then when you play them you think: "this map's gameplay is horrible" I am going to use a quote from my blog to show you how much time I spent on the map, but that blog was posted around two weeks ago so afterward I'll post the real time.


    Well, by the hour scheme you can see that there was a ton of testing done on this map. Some could say I went a bit insane with the testing on this map.
    There was a total of 25 complete (start to finish) that were played on this map.

    I even had a couple testers tell me directly that I was crazy for taking their comments a bit too seriously. For example, someone mentioned a problem with spawns in the cave entrance and even before the next test session, I had completely rebuilt an entire area for which attackers could spawn and not be killed instantly with the tank. Look at picture Titled: Attacker Base 2.

    When I was testing, I had made sure that the majority of the players in the lobby were unfamiliar with the map, so that I could see how people interacted with a map they had never played before.

    Before I get onto the pics, I just wanted to thank a couple people in specific for helping test this map numerous times. Even though I have a list of over 50 different people that helped test, I would especially like thank Amercan Psycho, and ShaddoBlade for helping out in a fair number of tests.

    Now onto the pictures!!


    Tactical Layout Of Castlanche - Only this side of the map is used.

    Tactical Layout Of Castle - The Defenders start and spawn here throughout the game.

    Hammering a Ghost - The ghost flies right off the cliff!

    Attacker Base 2 - This base is equipped with a window!

    Snipers Can Be Deadly - The flag in the background has been moved.

    Bridge Above Rockets - The new flag spawn.

    Useful Turrets - I had just ripped off a turret to see how far I could get.

    The Most Epic Shot - Sniper tries to assassinate, but gets assassinated himself.

    Lasered! - The warthog dominates until.....


    He Almost Killed Me.

    He Just Missed me!


    #1 Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  2. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Due to the fact that this map is so big, and I had done a ton of testing sessions on it, there are only so many pics I can post. I had to be very selective of which pictures I should add. If you notice I added several pics of gameplay to show you how fun the gameplay can be.

    A Deadly Explosion - All from a rocket.

    Some More Explosions - The tank can prove useful for attacker.

    Territory Hiding - The attackers think they are hidden.

    Quick Splatter - The guy quickly gets in the ghost to just splatter this guy.

    Vehicle Jumping - He wanted the bigger vehicle.

    Bomb Has Detonated! - The other team scores!

    Tank Vs Sniper - Sniper Wins!

    Within The Castle - An Epic Battle.

    Yes That's Me. - I accidently boarded the tank while it was going over the hill.

    Territories - Defenders trying to hold that flag, but gets killed instead.

    A Distant View


  3. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    Sweet... Nice geo merging, not too many map on avalanche have geo merging, this map is smooth and gameplay looks good. I would actually need to play the map with some friends to see if the gameplay is good. So far I would rete this 5/5
  4. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    This is really impressive for an Avalanche Map. It seems that Capture the Flag would be amazing on it. And you didn't overpower the map either. This map is simply amazing.

  5. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I believe that sensation in my pants was one of the hugest forgegasms I have ever experienced.

    This map looks so awesome I can't even describe it, this had better make it into matchmaking or else *shakes fist*
  6. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    this is friggin sweet! the detail and amount of creativity are AMAZING! This may deserve a feature! the CtF must be insane! Infection could rock too. amazing map...5/5
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I'm so glad you finally posted this map. I am totally speechless right now. This is just too awesome.

    The only thing that bothers me is that you did not include Slayer or TS on this map? Why? VM me.

    The time you spent really paid off because this map has epic winsauce written all over it. The merging and layout is jaw-dropping. Excellent Job!!!
  8. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    This map was intentionally done for one flag, so that people like myself who hate ctf can actually enjoy it. This map only uses half of avalanche the other side is not blocked off, which doesn't matter for objective games but does matter in team slayer.

    This map was intended for objective matchmaking.

    I will be putting out another map on Avalanche in January that will be strictly for team slayer only.
  9. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    I believe that the gametypes he listed are recommended gametypes for the map, he probably did set up spawns for slayer, Slayer should be possible for this map but not very good gameplay, since its it one side probably not the best for slayer..
  10. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    Non-Foundry, Tank, Fort, and Huge. The perfect map. If you put a hornet in the map it would be the best map of all time. This looks epic and Is a DL to me. This is feature worthy (second map today that is great). Keep on forging.
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i have three words to say... This is Kick Ass!!! oh, well thats four :p

    this map is cool, and one of the first competitive maps on avalanche ive seen outside of the cavern in quite some time. your geomerging is amazing, the iterlocking is really well done, and the layout looks realy fun to play on. if only more people would make more sic maps like this on avalanch, ppl would appreciate it more. the gameplay looks like it would be kool, espeacially multi-flag maybe. the only big flaw i see is that there isnt a whole lot of cover, but i guess you cant really help that since your forging on such a big map. very well done... 5/5. feature worthy in my book(easpeacially if u add more cover)
  12. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I will write a detailed review later when I'm more awake, but this map is the most amazing map that I have ever played on. I will admit that there are some balance issues (don't know if he fixed. Knowing Toxic Spade, he did). 9/10.

    Like I said. I'll write a review later.
  13. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    When I tested it with you, that was like 3 / 4 tests before the final one, but all the weapon times have been fixed since then.
  14. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    When you first joined Forgehub (I believe? Could be wrong.) you showed me a few pictures of this map, so then I thought right then and there that you had a map with great potential and you had the skills to finish it. With the amount of time and expert you put in forging you have created a tremendous map. I'm still a little upset that I couldn't of play tested but the wait was worth it. This has become one of my favorite one sided maps of all time. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Finally a fort map that isn't Infection only and plays great!"
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Totally psyched for you that you are finished with this beastly creation. Love love love this map. The best aesthetics of any map ever created on avalanche to date. (you can quote me on that, i'll cap any fool that argues... jk jk) Gameplay is SO epic and never gets old. I'm sure this map will get featured because everything is so perfect for Objective games. The ONLY thing i would change on this map is to move the grav lift to the other side so that it can be utilized to vault the boxes blocking the hill behind the warthog in the castle. And maybe decrease the clips in the defenders sniper, but I prolly just feel that way cuz Amercan Psycho had a fetish for my skull lol. Seriously awesome tho. 10/10

    Lol, I totally remember you getting carted off the map while boarding the tank. That was funny to watch, and the invisible teammate that saved my ass from that sniper assassination is another priceless shot.
    #15 ShaddoBlade, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  16. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Wow, this looks really good, ecspecially since its on Avalanche.
    Im going to dl and see how it is for gameplay.
    In the 4th pic, those merges look incredible. It might just be a bad view, but nice.
  17. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    No, those are legit merges all right. I spent a ton of time on them.
  18. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    This is un-belivable. I remember this was a big deal to the testers guild a while bck. I was wondering when it was going to come out. As stated in the above comments those merges in the 4th pic are incredible. Does this map have somthing to do with the front page. I think so!
  19. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    This looks absolutely amazing. I love one-sided games, especially CTF. The fact that this is on Avalanche makes it all the better, because most maps on Avalanche don't turn out that great in my opinion. Fantastic work.

    I'd also like to comment on your post, which no one has yet. You must've spent some time on that post. Very well layed out, it helps the map seem even better than it already was.

    All in all, 10/10

    Senior Member

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    **** man please put that on my site - Link Removed

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