Stolen accounts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by vegas24702, Nov 29, 2008.

  1. vegas24702

    vegas24702 Ancient
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    Ok guys well im fed up with Microsoft so if you know of anyone that has had there account stolen have them get in touch with me cause im going to be on the local news out here about stolen account and try to kick in xbox live doors about all this so if you know some one have them either contact me here or on my my gamertag tommy24lv so i can get there story to show that this is a major deal happening here are a few story's i already have

    Xbox Live hacked, accounts stolen | Zero Day |

    Microsoft: XBox Live account theft was social engineering attack | Zero Day |

    BBC NEWS | Technology | Xbox Live accounts 'not hacked'

    and this is just a few i have tons and tons of them all saying the same mircosoft saying nothing and not helping so im sick of it and im going to try and do something about it
  2. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Don't want your account hacked? Don't give your details out or anything.

    EDIT: Pretty lame going on the news for that. Read my first sentence and you wont be hacked. noob.
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I know of someone who had their account hacked.

    They gave someone their email address and password, I wouldn't call that having your account hacked. I'd call it giving someone your account.

    Don't want your account stolen, don't give out your details.
  5. Robbo

    Robbo Ancient
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    Mate, no offence, you do realise your pissing in the wind? They are a multi-billion pound company and probably own the computer your working on. Good luck.
  6. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Got it back though, he excepted my friend request on my other account, and I lied my ass off and scared the prick shitless.
  7. vegas24702

    vegas24702 Ancient
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    first of all i gave out nothing nothing at all about my account this is not something small the snow ball fx that this has cause ended up with my moms car being totaled and going to the news is the best thing to get the word out and let people know and THE CAN HACK YOUR ACCOUNT WITH OUT ANYTHING NOTHING i used to say the same thing about it dumb ass people giving out there info but its not like there there was a big thing with xbox employees selling account and living in Las Vegas makes more noise about stuff the any other place in the world so y not let it be told to all the buyers who are about to buy one even if i am one person i have 1000s of stories about xbox not doing nothing about it so ya i am just one gamers willing to say what xbox dont want to be said just like the clan infamous was stealing 10 accounts a day with no info about the person or nothing hell one of the main ceos at IGNs gamer tag was stolen so you can call it whiner you can call it what you want but when you tag gets stolen just remeber dont give out any info cause trust me i never gave out any info and being a noob no been playing xbox live for over 9 years just would of thought some one as a Legendary Member wouldnt put down any member of this community not cool Im just a gamer whos looking out for other gamers and doing what i can

    ok here is a way they get it so this will let you see it has nothing to do with (you gave your info to some one you have your info on something no they get it from nothing) so just keep thinking cause you dont give your info that it cant happen to you
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I've had some friends accounts hacked like that; they gave away no information, the hacker just called up a bunch of times. I'll try to get you some info.
  9. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Well if you've been playing over 9 years i thought you might have have some common sense...
    Life is not fair, i am surprised no-one has ever told you that. There are people out there that hack for a living, its what they do.

    Did you think this world was perfect? open your eyes.
    I cant take these people anymore, i am about to just leave.
  10. vegas24702

    vegas24702 Ancient
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    What are you talking about so you think its ok for people to get hacked and thats just life so let some one kick in your door and rob you and take your credit cards and use them and well dont do nothing cause thats just life and its not fair is that what your saying thats the reason that made laws suprized you never heard of laws being that you know so much maybe instead of opening your eyes you might wanna read a law book

  11. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    All it takes to hack someones accounts is their IP, which you can easily get with Commveiw or Cain and Abel while receiving a message from them, or being in their party (All ports must be open). And their email, which is easily obtained via their IP. I'm not going to go into details on how to do this, but I know how to do it, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Although you can all rest peacefully, I don't do it anymore, and it was a stupid habit that only got pretty much all of my accounts banned. :(

    Serves me well I guess...

    I guess the moral of this story is not to talk **** to people that know how to to this, be careful about the parties you join, and don't talk to boosters that have no games lost. This is because they are most likely Host-Booters (I also USED to do this) and can "Hit you off line" (Shut down you internet) and "Fry you Modem" (Destroying your Modem, disabling you ability to connect to the internet.) making it much easier to take your account.

    I apologize for everyone's account I may have stolen, and the people I have "Hit off line" but some of them really deserved it.
  12. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Suck it up dude. I'm pretty sure Microsoft is not trying to get your Gamertag hacked... You biting off something bigger than you can chew. That's just my view on it.

    By the way, it would be about 10 times easier to understand what you were saying if you used punctuation, correct spelling, and actually read what you are writing. Half of your second post was unrecognizable as the English language.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I can agree with that, however on topic, have you - or a friend, ever gotten hacked? It sucks, massively. Especially when Microsoft won't help you. People have gotten their accounts locked out from them, and thousands of dollars of Points put on their credit cards, and Microsoft will refuse to help them, even though they are the problem. We also actually know for a fact that Microsoft can, almost always, get the hacker's IP and track them down, quite easily, they just won't do it. The chances of MS changing policies? Not much...but its worth a shot.
  14. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    any one whos stupid enough to give out there e address and password deserves to be hacked
  15. Robbo

    Robbo Ancient
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    Se7en sins ftw
  16. vegas24702

    vegas24702 Ancient
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    Well I was just contacted today from Xbox to inform me that I could get my gamertag back. I was also told who the guy was who took it and where he lived and his phone number so that the police could append him for all the charges that he has built up.So I made sure that I was not going to let this stand was told by xbox that things are changing now and that accounts are being looked at more.So with that being said every one that said there was nothing that could be done who ever told you that was lying.The great thing is that every account that has be stolen and xbox gets it back there is a trace that goes on it so that any futher trys to steal a account will be known.

    Sorry hackers i don't have nothing wrong with you most of my friends are just hack programs not peoples accounts

    Thanks for all the support Insane
  17. bolddoughnut

    bolddoughnut Ancient
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    Really all you have to do is have a great password and make sure that you NEVER give out any of the information for the account that you use. It really is that simple Microsoft does try to stop it but there is only so much that they can do.
  18. vegas24702

    vegas24702 Ancient
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    Trust me I never gave anyone my password or any of my info a lot of people know my account cause the fact Im a host of a large podcast.Don't know how they got it but they did and I got it back and got all the info on the person who stole my account. When you steal account just letting all you hackers know that your console id number shows where you recovered it to so you cant hide from the console id and there is no way to change it either
  19. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    My xbox live tag has expired once and I thought it was hacked! lol!
  20. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This happened to a friend of mine about 2 months ago. He was playing a game of Call of Duty 4 on his 9th prestige, hoping to get to his 10th. If I remember correctly, his gamerscore was on 17,000G and something. The guy said that he was boosting people to their 10th prestige for FREE! So, my friend said "I'll do it."

    So, he gave out all his information (Windows live ID and whatever) he asked the guy for his account back after 4 - 8 days afterwards. The guy changed his account as another friend of mine had him on his friend list and changed everything. His dad went ****ing crazy because the guy was buying tonnes of MS points. He called Microsoft and asked them what to do, they said they'll look into it. They called back 2 days later and said that someone was changing your "Account Mangement Details" last week. The account got banned from XBL though.

    He never got his account back. But he made another one. When I checked if he was still on my friends list, he had removed me and changed the GT. My friend, his former GT was MarcusWenger. He has a new account now though. Hopefully he won't give out all that information if that ever happens..again. I won't give out his new GT though. Seeing as he hates me for no reason what-so-ever.

    That's all I know seeing as I hardly talk to him anymore.

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