
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by bam3214, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Bravo sir, it is not often that I come across a map that both frustrates me yet has my love.

    It took me so many tries to get through this. I do mean a lot, a serious amount. If I had to guess; I'd say about 40 times. Yep, about 40 times it took me to successfully complete this with no slip ups. I almost had it a few times but I'd accidentally left a mongoose there, upon realising that there was a mongoose obstructing my path, I came close to just giving up. But I did not, I persisted and I finally got through it.

    Definately not for people new to goosing, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure Vice or Lightsout would get a kick out of this. It does take pretty beastly skills to nail this one. As I said, it took me over 40 tries to nail it so you one could come to the conclusiong that either; this does indeed take a lot of skill or that I merely suck(if you have come to that conclusion: No U).

    I'd call this a singles race track. I don't see people lasting too long with multiple players on it for the simple fact that it is very, very easy to fall off. Several times I'd fall off because the jump was not completed but then I realised that to complete this, you'll need to maintain your momentum throughout all of it.

    My personal favourite bit of it is the opening, lol. It isnt too hard, yet the following turns and twists are quite fun when you master them. The finishing line is also very satisfying to cross. Well done sir, I enjoyed every bit of my emotionally painful journey to complete this.
  2. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    DuDe this is an insanely fun map. You GOTTA keep making these maps because they're so much fun, so well made, and so well tested. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one!
  3. yamato25

    yamato25 Ancient
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    Just out of curiosity, does this go with any gametype to specify with? Like racetracks or slayer, or something like that?
  4. Oo iTz KiLLJoY

    Oo iTz KiLLJoY Ancient
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    im not a big fan of race maps but this 1 looks really cool
    downloading right now
  5. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    thanks for the review! glad you like it! I think it is actually my easiest race track of them all. but then again, i am a ridiculously good driver, considering i tested my own race tracks ALOT.

    but anyway, i am glad that you noticed the finish line jump being amazingly fun to cross. that jump, for me, gives reason to fail at the track for a straight hour. (although, 70% of the time, i do a perfect lap.) i love that finish line, and no other race track has a finish line that fun / awesome jump as does mine.

    have fun showing it to ur friends (they are mods too, right?). and if you hate having to start over after u fall, u could always play it in forge and replace the mongooses on the track, after falling off.

    and remember, it is nothing more than a track to hone ur skills as a driver, and to do some amazing jumps and turns. :)
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i love your tracks man. keep it up, your MY FAVORTITE race track designer. i espicially liked hurricane, and the design of this is true to it. this looks no less than fantastic.
  7. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    wow man, thanks! ur, like, a beast forger, and it means alot to me when someone like u calls me their favorite race track designer. especially when they misspell favorite, lol.

    glad you like my race tracks, have you tried all four? and more importantly, can you successfully complete a lap on each of them?!?!
  8. x teh Mast R Cheef x

    Senior Member

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    I love this track. Everyone dl this for sure!!! U will not reret it!!!
  9. Tzvii

    Tzvii Ancient
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    Love these tracks. I can do all four of them pretty easily, you should make some extra hard ones, with jumps that are HARD :)
  10. chao365

    chao365 Ancient
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    Nice 5/5. Turns are awesome and sometimes hard to stay on if your to fast. keep on with your avalanche race maps
  11. cras777

    cras777 Ancient
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    Awesome looking Found it on your sig on Hurricane. Downloading all your race maps on sig now!

    *Abruptly notices the fact that there is not alot of interlocking on turns*
    ZOMG awesomer map for not much interlocking . At least from what i remember
  12. Xen

    Xen Ancient
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    Your racetracks are fantastic. It's quite hard to keep balance on and it can be hard with more than 2 players playings, but a great map. 4/5.

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