FINALLY A MAP ON GUARDIAN.... I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a map that has a simple concept like in sumo wrestling- force them out of the arena to win the game. You and who ever your playing with start off will brute shots. in addition to the main plat form there are other plat forms around the main ring. this is a 2v2 map so don't have 3 or more 5 rounds quick and pain less. special thanks to my friend and tester IWANTUD3ADNOW download here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Wow i think its funny this has so many views but like no cments thats sucks man. but i have one question, what gardian?
pretty cool. u shoulda made a circular platform though. i think it'd be better on black out but as for the idea its a 5/5
Honestly I think you should have worked alittle bit on making the platform a little more cleaner and made it a circle but the concept is very original making it a pretty cool idea and a good map good job
Why would you make it on Guardian? That's the big problem I have with it. It could've been so much better on Blackout or Avalance with a circular ring with stationary objects so that you don't need weapon holders. ^Wow runon sentence, sorry about that guys xD