4-16 players Slayer, Assult, Capture the Flag this is the 2nd version for Z-Teverything i have taken your reviews and used them to improve the map hope you enjoy. New Outside Barrier: Base Without Turrets: Side Tower Without Man Cannon: Closer Picture of Base Without Turrets: hopes this meets everyone's standards a bit more. -Zack Z-T Maps for Halo 3 | Zack Bradford and Tripp Rozier
This map is way too open. It looks like it would have somewhat dull gameplay. From what I can see, it just looks like the base has 1 floor and the rest is just there for no reason. Consider putting in a few more structures.
Well i definitly know that you know how to interlock but it seems like you got really lazy in parts. I would have interlocked a little more. The layout isnt that original and the map is kind of open
i agree that it looks open. however, it does look pretty good. there isn't anything really all that special about this map, but it still looks well constructed. i hear people say that you got lazy in some parts, and that you should have interlocked more, but if you dont have to, then you shouldnt. so dont worry about that. anyway, i give you a 3.5/5. keep on forging!
I like how you made the bases but I have to agree with other posts above me. It looks a little open but all you need to do is add a couple of or maybe just one structure in the middle. Doesnt have to be hugh just enough so it adds cover. If you want any tips on anything just ask me. Or you can go to the bungie site I have in my sig that will also help you, if you want.
You posted v1 earlier today. Take more time and make more upgrades before you post v2. This map is to open though. Needs more cover but it can be made into a great map.
i think its pretty good. it just a bit open on the side in the first pic. unlike most people's comments, i say u put a ghost on each side. that way it can remain as open as u have it now and theyre be vehicles. another thought is to have snipers, because that would allow you to keep it open. also, are u supposed to get behind the bases? cuz u can just granade jump over the box. over all, its good. just the open-ness needs to be adjusted. 4.9/5