
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 12, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    14 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    7 vote(s)
  3. Average

    6 vote(s)
  4. Good

    19 vote(s)
  5. Great

    48 vote(s)
  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You guys need to stop changing the name of this here map. :)

    Anyways, VERY nice map, the Game play is superb. I played your previous one with my friends nearly every night. It get quite intense. Anyways, great job guys, the Feature was well deserved. Great work guys. o/
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this will probably be the most epicest map of all if it makes it into mm
    especially if all that changed from Helvetica is the name, i dled that last week and played it with my friends.
    keep going lightsout225 you seem to be one of the last original forgers and you still surprise us
    edit now that i think of it blazeisgod and bl00d f1r3 are still around, along with creep1ng d3ath
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You realise that this map was made by both LIGHTSOUT225 and Creep1ng De4th, not just Lightsout.
  4. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I rem ember the original post. Was pretty good. It deserves begin featured. The design of some of the building is amazing. I love one-flag and one-ball. DL right now.
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even though I've played on this map many, many times...I have yet to comment on it. Usually my posts contain some sort of constructive criticism, but I do not have any for this map.

    This map is really in the same style as my own: Simple and intuitive. Usually when those two aspects are combined you get a map that is a lot of fun to play on, and this map is no exception. Each part of the map has it's pros and cons and you can't quite hold down any part of the map with ease. The layout is superb, enough said.

    What amazed me even more was how well the map played with Multiflag. You have created one of the few assymetrical maps that plays an objective symmetrical gametype well. Kudos on that.

    I see no reason that this map won't make it into MM. Congrats on the feature, it is much deserved.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    I think it's a general feeling that every time a staff members map gets featured that somebody cries corruption. The following is just my personal feelings.

    We are definitely in a lull for maps right now in my opinion. To get featured you need to create a map that is forged nicely, has visual appeal (is at least neat since style is subjective), plays well, and is durable. There are not many of those types of maps right now, but this is one. And I am not just saying that because I helped create it. Most staff members are also premium. I am, and so is Lights. We don't just whip up maps and go into the Hub Pub and suggest our own maps for feature, believe it or not.

    I feel, and many others do also, that the maps created these days are created with aesthetic appeal in mind first (hence your comments), and then practical design and gameplay second. Or in easier terms, it's a competition to see who can make the coolest looking map. This map is built using the reverse thought process, or as I call it, the correct thought process. You don't get featured for good looks unless it is an aesthetic map. There are many many maps that are suggested in the Pub that don't make it because they play like crap, have an unbalanced weapon set, bad spawns, or any multitude of different problems. The maps you named share one or more of these negative qualities. And don't think that the maps that you named haven't been considered. Transfusion is a wonderfully forged map, but it suffered from some balance and spawn issues. I am actually working the best I can back and forth with Public Servent to give him suggestions on how to make the map 100% feature worthy. But you wouldn't know that, you just assume what you have assumed. Just because you go into the maps section and see a map with nice interlocking and 65 "5/5 grate intermerges" comments doesn't mean it is a good map, regardless of what the pics say to you.

    So here is my challenge to you and the community: Go into the maps section. Download some maps. Do some Forge throughs. Actually *gasp* play the maps! Do anything but rate on pics like this guy is doing, it's killing the community.

    Then get on your Xbox, create an actual good looking, balanced, durable and good playing map and get it featured. Then you can't cry collusion. [/rant]

    P.S. Thanks for the good words from the people who have actually played this and enjoyed it. Form and function trumps "crazy intermerges" everyday of the week and clearly you see this. Thank you.
  7. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    perfect map, and i so called out it's feature!
    after re-downloading this map like 4 times, determined to get the final version fastest, this map is incredilicious.

    very good luck with matchmaking..
    lol and creep just another edit to your already cosmic rick-sized signature ^^^^

    EDIT: woah, you changed ur sig WHILE i typed that^ XD
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Haha, thanks. And what a coincidence! Great minds must think alike.
  9. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So they are putting maps in matchmaking?
  10. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map it looks pretty epic. I wanna try it out before I give a full review though. Since necroposting isn't a problem in featured maps, I'll post another reply when I get to test it out.

    Aesthetically, this is a 7/10 only because of the lack of pics. I couldn't see much, but no matter, I'll be back soon with a better response. We'll see if the rating changes at all.

    #30 Doog Nit, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  11. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wonderfully crafted and beautifully created. The Aesetically spread out map really takes the cake man. I have to say, because this is featured i would have to say 5/10 to start, but this just makes it go 10/10 all the way. I rated and Downloaded this map and i have been pleased.

    1) Idea executed well
    2) Featured Map
    3) Interlocking + Geo-merging... PERFECT!
    4) Could go into Matchmaking
    5) Everybody loved it!

    Just the Best Job =)

  12. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    to be honest, this is a good map, but just not to be featured though.(there are some choices that are better than this) anyway 4/5
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I bet you gave that glowing review without ever setting virtual foot in the map or playing a game on it.

    And please give details as to what maps should be featured instead of this one. Honesty is great and all, but at least take the time to back up your statements before giving your ridiculous 4/5 rating.
  14. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not ridiculous. Although the maps play well the aesthetics just don't appeal to me your trying to tell me that my opinion is ridiculous. Well you do know opinions cant be right or wrong. I named maps I think are more deserving. The gameplay is great but gameplay doesn't make a map. Would you buy halo 4 if the graphics looked like doom. No, sure the gameplay would be great because its halo but the graphics are so horrible that its not worth the buy, or in this case the spot in my custom content list. There are much more deserving maps that could be in my custom content then this map.
  15. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow very nice ind33d the interlocked boxes are very neat! very nice 10/10 and voted great ugghhh now to free up space on the olll HDD
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Squid was referencing the fact that he rated on pics. Look man, I already told you in the PM, the map is clean, interlocked, and the aesthetic is in the design. It's budgeted, and it's really the best budgeted fully functional competitive map featured in a long time. It's not like this is a non interlocked and sloppy map that we are claiming has good gameplay and we got featured because we are Staff.

    Just give it up. So you don't like the look. To each his own, but at least experience the map like a normal person should before you claim it shouldn't be featured. You're only making yourself look like a noob.

    And your Halo/Doom graphics reasoning is flawed since it works the other way around too. Would you buy a game that looked awesome but played like ****? If anything I would rather play a game that had better gameplay than graphics. Case in point, the game we are playing now, Halo 3. Far Cry looks better, but Halo plays better and therefore is more popular.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really amazing, the aesthetics look incredible and the boxes look really tidy although they are not interlocked as much as they can be.

    Nice job cant wait to see how this map turns out in the future
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think he was just hoping that you'd list the maps that deserve a feature before this, and what qualities make them more feature-worthy. Substnce in a post will get you a long way.

    Anyways, I repesct your opinion, but I have to disagree to an extent.
    I've been saying this simple phrase for a long time, and I still stand by it:

    "Graphics will get you to buy a game, but the gameplay will keep in your system."

    We've all seen some amazing looking games that just weren't fun to play...and what happened to them? They were thrown aside for a game that was more fun to play.

    Now that doesn't mean that graphics and visuals aren't important, because they are. But a person's main focus shouldn't be solely on visuals, but a combination of both gameplay and graphics.

    Now this map is simple looking, but it definitely isn't boring looking. It has some great angles and a very original layout. While it may not be as stunning as other maps, it certainly plays better than most.

    So if this map just doesn't fit your style, then thats alright. But just be aware that there is more to a game/map than what you can see.
  19. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    This map makes my heart smile.

    That's honestly all I have to say. Will this be in any soon-to-be TGIF playlists?
  20. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You guys are going to have to change the name if you want the map to make MM. Verbatim is a manufacturer of storage media products, like CDs, DVDs, CompactFlash and the like.

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