
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NeverlessWonder, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    lol, are there still negative feelings between us Gravedigger? Haha, anyway..

    The pictures look a little weird because it was my first time using explosions to brighten up my pics and make them look interesting. The really grainy ones are probably just a result of too much explosion lighting or getting a bad angle. It's a very tricky technique.
    Some of them didn't come out the way I wanted, but I'm not very concerned. They get the job done.
  2. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
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    WOW. The first picture makes it look like it's made of gold for some reason.
  3. Rex2

    Rex2 Ancient
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    Good use of interlocking...
  4. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
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    I agree with that. The first picture, again, perfectly depicts this.
  5. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Haha, I like that. I may add that into the map description.
    Glad you all are liking the map and it's interlocking. Particularly the room with the cyclopean wall, lol.
  6. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    One thing, I'm not sure if you considered it or not, deployable cover changes some games. The flow of this map appears to be geared toward hindering those who fall from high. Deployable cover allows people to regain an unintended advantage by giving them the ability to drop down and then climb the shield back up again, equating to deployable stairs. I don't know if there are areas where this can happen, I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but this is the reason I'm not a fan of deployable cover. Everything else looks wonderful.
  7. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    the perfection of that curved wall is freakin me out. this map is crazygood ima dwnloadez
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    What? Did you read my first post? Particularly reading the captions for each picture? Of course that was intended... why else would it be there after all the hours I spent making and testing this map? I'm not in the habit of just placing random items on my maps for no other reason than to use up the budget.

    I love the deployable cover, and the great thing about it is that it is 'deployable stairs. Or, you can use it to temporarily block off a small hallway, but then it wont last long because one nade is gonna get rid of it.

    And, not trying to be mean, but why are you commenting on the flow of the map if all you've seen are the pictures?
  9. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    It didn't even enter my mind that that could be a box; I though it was just two barriers. Great work Neverless, I have it queued and will get back to you.
  10. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Wow. Way to react conservatively to a mild...MILD opinion/inquiry. I just asked if you intended it or not...i read past you saying so. Its not like I am dissing your map, I think it looks good. I can actually tell a little about how it was to play by the pics, otherwise, why include any? I was going to DL but I see your affiliation and have decided not to; no big loss to anyone. Again, very mature reaction to a simple point and an attempt to discover if you intended to alter the map that way or not...I like that.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I love the big curve idea, so unconventional its amazing, it looks stunning.

    If im brutally honest, im not too keen on putting a fuel rod cannon at the very top, just because they are pretty powerful. Although im probalby wrong, i havnt played it so i woudlnt know. Great Map well done.
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Well I just gave this map a forge-through and I am really shocked what you were able to accomplish on a budget. This map has a wonderfully complex layout. It must have taken quite some time to plan out this map because I was finding new pathways after I thought I had seen the entire map! That curved wall is certainly the best visual part of the map, and its gorgeous!!!. I cannot emphasize that enough. This map definitely has a Halo CE feel to it, and I definitely want to get a more sizable match on this one. Awesome job.

    There was only one thing that bothered me aesthetically, and that was the ramps found in the cyclopean wall area. Nothing seems to line up just right, and one of the ramps overshoots the open box you have and connects in the center of it. I have no idea how you'd fix this, but a small layout change might resolve that issue, if you do feel the need to change it at all.
  13. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Whoa, dude. I think you're taking that much more seriously than I meant it. I know you weren't dissing the map, I was just wondering why you were making comments/judgements before even seeing the map or reading my post. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just shocked that you didn't catch on that the 'deployable stairs' thing was intended seeing as I have two pictures with captions displaying that very feature.

    Maybe I went too far by saying "I'm not in the habit of just placing random items on my maps for no other reason than to use up the budget", but I was only trying to say that after all the days/weeks spent working and playing on this map, I didn't just throw something down without thinking about what affect it will have on gameplay. Sorry if I went about that the wrong way, and I'm sorry you changed your mind about d/ling a map you like because of who I am affiliated with. But, like you said, no biggie. Have a good day.

    @ Draw the Line, yeah, I'm not so satisfied with the ramps either. There is a way to kinda fix them, but it would require rebuilding/moving half of the map, and I was so far along when I realised this that I decided not to mess with it. It hasn't ever negatively affected the games I play on it though.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This is one of the quick fixes I thought of:
    Instead of sloping the bridge downward onto the single open box, why not just make it perfect horizontal? A player would still be able to jump up to that level, and i believe it would make it look much better as well.
  15. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Live and let live then? I like this map a lot, all things aside, it is very nice.
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yay! Hugs all around!! :squirrel_grouphug:
  17. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    nice interlocking with double box round wall
  18. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Hey, that's a good idea, I like it. Why didn't I think of that?
    Still, it's not a quick fix because if I were to do that I would want a choice to either jump up there, or run under it and straight off the box. To do that, I'd have to raise it higher, which means raising both platforms, angling the ramp along the wall to meet the new platform height.... Then I'd have to fill in the wall gap that this would create, and I'm just about out of materials and all out of money. But still, good idea. I wish I could do it to see how it would turn out.

    Yay! I am very happy a conflict has been avoided. I will join in on the hugs. :squirrel_grouphug:
  19. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
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    I DL'ed this map and walked around it myself for about half an hour last night (afternoon for you americans). Overall it was a very nice map. It honestly seemed like the exact sort of thing (with the exception of the teleports) that could have been found in Goldeneye on the '64.

    Most of the map is very neat and looks nice too. Some of the objects (notably the fence walls in the sentinel beam room) are not straight, but i know it is hard to do this when one is merged into the map geometry as is the case here. There are a fair few other things that are very slightly off but not by enough to distract you during a match. One other problem i noticed is the jump from the open box to the camo ledge. Often you bump you're head on the roof and subsequently fall down before reachng the ledge.

    Another thing i would like to see is either a weapon holder or preferably a reciever node placed atop the Wire Spool near the sword. Grenades can easily knock these things around and this particular one is important since it is one of only two ways to get the sword. I was notified about this on my Sanctum map and immediately changed the MLG version which was soon after released.

    It's nice to see that you've taken the time to block off the map neatly as well, and for the most part, it is blocked of all the way up to the invisible ceiling. However, it is still possible to escape the playing area above the Fuel Rod gun. It takes time to pull off but everyone knows that once players know how to get out of the map, they will continue to try during most matches. A slight adjustment here that would prevent anyone from ever being able to escape the map, would make the map much better in my eyes. Whole games are ruined if one player escapes the map.

    For the most part, spawns look to be in good positions (this does not mean they will work too well because it is nearly impossible for that to be the case on a small map like this). But it looks like you've done a decent job of them. A couple of areas (e.g. Camo room and low down on the Sentinel Beam rooom) players spawn with their backs to walls and no real options should they been seen as they spawn. This is one crucial element that i try to incorporate into my maps - options when you spawn. Perhaps if you added even very small amounts of cover to these areas, respawns in general would be less frustrating. You could even just move the forklift truck a little further into the camo room to allow players to take cover after spawning.

    Overall, Cyclopean looks like a very god map. It definitely needs some tweaking but once that is done, it will be a great map. I don't want to comment on the weapons or give a solid rating since i haven't played a game on the map.

    Nice job.
  20. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    This looks intense.

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