Claustrophobia Map Forged By: iKLuTcHe and rickybobby95 Map Slogan "Keep your finger on the Melee button" Background Story: After being overrun by Brutes, the New Mombasa spartans took refuge in an underground sewer facility. They found it useful in training for urban combat. They converted it into they're personal training facility and plotted they plans to uprise again. Description: This map supports 2-4 players and these gametypes, Free-For-All Slayer, Free-For-All Oddball, and Free-For-All Crazy King. This map is enclosed and very small for fun and sometimes hectic gameplay for small parties. It features lots of interlocking, floating wepons, and some very aesthetic cover pieces. With a few good surprises that await you when you download it. Wepons: 3x Battle Rifles 2x Plasma Rifles 1x Sniper Rifle 2x SMGs 1x Shotgun 1x Spiker 1x Bruteshot 1x Assult Rifle 1x Plasma Pistol Grenades: 3x Frag Grenades 2x Plasma Grenades 1x Spike grenade 1x Flame Grenade Equipment: 1x Bubble Shield 1x Radar Jammer Now its time for some pictures. (The center drainage basin) (Water still trickles down) (Water filtration panels now used as cover for the spartans) (The stairway witch takes you to the top of the drainage basin) (Flood control room now converted for tactical cover) (Dug by spartans themselves) -->|Download Link|<--
if you could make the pics better that would be nice, anyway the map is well forged. Looks like a good 2v2 and 1v1 map. Although the only thing I dont like is that the map doesn't prove your true skill. The melee button does too much damage, in my opinion, and the map has a lot of tight corners.
awesome map! the shot gun spawn is awesome. the interlocking is spot on. one of my fav things is the water filtration thingies. playing this with you was really fun 10/10 the Flood control room's spawns are a little bad though.
the interlocking is just... just .. perfect, some of the weapons arent the best for this type of enclosed map but still a 4.5/5 4 for looks 0.5 for weapon placement
Didnt I just play this with you a little while ago, yes, infact I did, yay. Anyway, the map is great looking, which by the way if I hadnt played it, I couldn't really get a good picture of what the map looks like cause of the pics. Umm the gameplay would have been great if we hadn't of had like 6 or 7 people, so overall grrreeat map. 4.7/5
I tested this today and it had very good gameplay. I wish I had played it with only 2v2 instead of 3v3 because it was to hectic kinda but I could tell it was gameplay over aesthetics, but aesthetics aren't to bad either . The only thing is that it has a lot of holes and the shotgun can over power a little bit. Also I think you should have stuck to a 2 grenade basis but it was still very enjoyable. I may take some of the aesthetics from it and put into a map that I am currently working on right now if you care at all. Probably the bridge curve. But one more thing is that I am not sure if I am blind but I did not see the tunnel at all. In a version 2 you may want to add some spawns in there so you know that it is there because I wasn't sure if it was there at all... All in all 4.5/5 a very good map. Make pictures better next time, and if someone asks for a layout picture of some sort, that would be a very hard thing to do with this map due to all of the different levels and what not. Edit: ^ I played with youtuber above me and we played together.
lol, water filtration panels, u just took something that has been done thousands of times and turned it into something awsome. INGENIOUS! yeah, cool map too, i especially like the look of the flood control room and the asthetics look good considering its a super-small map, ill have to get back to you on gameplay. btw i think that someone has already made a map named claustraphobia...
A shotgun seems overpowered for this kinda map. Also, the name needs to be changed, it has been used a bijilion times. The forging lookes really good though. The "water" is excellent. I'll have to test for the gameplay, but for a non-aesthetic map, this is beautiful.
Looks like a nice neat map, but I didn't really get a good idea from the pics. I recommend you include an overview of the map. I'll DL anyway, but I recommend you include a few more pics and an overview
The map is enclosed, The pictures i have are the best ones i can get on an enclosed map. But if you want to see it better i recommend you Download it. -JNeWcOmB-
Im going to try to get more pics up soon so just wait a bit, there will also be a youtube video, but it will be a pic slideshow bcause i dont have a capture card.
The map looks good. I love your interlocking and slopes. This is very rare to make a map this enclosed but at the same time, make it easily to monuver around and keep a competitive feel. And in a comfind space I can see why you called it Claustrophobia. But to tell you the truth, the name was already a turnoff for me because Claustrophobia is the most overused map name in Halo 3. I suggest changing it.
This map looks very well made. Very awsome. I like how it's close range fighting because i love melee based combat. 5/5 can't wait to play on.
Hey this map looks really nice. It has a combination of both incredible interlocking and good 2v2 gameplay. Nice job
Wow, this map looks really nice. From the pictures it looks perfectly merged. I don't really know about the weapon placements yet, but I'm going to play this soon.
Im glad you guys like the map. Sense we got a good rating you guys will get to see a v2 comming soon.
I played this map earlier today, and it was absloutely amazing! It reminded me so much of Marathon for some reason. Especially the place where the water is dripping down in the window pane looking section, those are like terminals. And the pool gets wierd. Especially if someone throws a bubble shield into it. =) I love this map, one of my new favs(well, actually, almost all maps on here are absolutely awsome.) PS Don't go in with more than 3-5 paople. I forgot to close the party, and I got 10 people at once. o_0