So, in my browsing of Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 fan sites and sites based around the create-a-wrestler feature, I came across something epic. Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, in the create-a-superstar mode in SvR 09, it's more customizable then its predecessors. More options, different stuff to give them. Some people have really used this tool to create some amazingly accurate CAWs(create-a-wrestler) and some innovative stuff. As an example of what some people have produced: Obviosly, that's Hulk Hogan as a CAW. The accuracy is stunning, and that one above is actually the 2nd highest rated on the site I plucked it off. But that's not why I made this. I wanted to bring to your attention this: Be warned, this is epic. Spoiler Obviosly, only the left side is the actual CAW, the right side is comparison pictures. But even if you have no idea how detailed this is or you cannot even respect what wrestling is, you have to be in awe of that. It's so amazingly innovative. Spongebob's hat is actually the CAW's head. And Spongebob's head is just the CAW's torso shaped to perfection. You may disagree, but I reckon that's pretty epic.
Did you know that the average IQ of a wrestling fan is 83? That's 17 points below the AMERICAN average...
That's kinda freaky, that SpongeBob. It is crazy, though, how advance the create-a-character function is in games.
OMG Spongebob epiciness!! Now I shall break into tune and dance. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob! Squarepants! Absorbant and yellow and porous is he? Spongebob! Squarepants! Who's nautical nonsense be something you wish? Spongebob! Squarepants! So drop on the deck and flop like a fish! Spongebob! Squarepants! Ready? Spongebob! Squarepants! Spongebob! Squarepants! Spongebob! Squarepants! Spongebob... Squarepants! *Dr. Chombie and redshadow laugh* hahahaha