Holy Calamity episode 1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Resix, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    this is episode 1 for my newest machinima series called Holy Calamity

    if you like the video or find it somewhat hilarious go here to comment rate and maybe subscribe? Here
  2. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Honestly, that sucked. Nothing was funny and it was way too predictable. Try agai- no wait, you probably shouldn't.
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    not bad, but not great. I dont know if you were trying to act like that, but Your not the brightest actor. Like iced said it was a bit to predictable and I knew what was happening so I was that in to it.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, they already said it (though it didn't "suck" too bad), however I see potential.

    Full Screen-
    By all means, use full screen for your videos, just know it detracts from professionalism in most circumstances, but you are making "short films" for all practical purposes, so you'll be wanting to use wide screen. Now, it is quite simple to create a faux 16:9 effect presuming you are using a program other than Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. Simply create 2 color matte boxes (black of course), and drag them into position forming the top and bottom wide screen bars, and have the overlaying your entire video. It's that simple.
    This could affect your shot though, but that too is an easy fix. First off, when filming, make sure to give your top and bottom parts of the frame some extra room since it will be cut off by the faux 16:9 bars. All you have to do is then enlarge the image slightly without ruining quality, and then draggin the shot into frame. This also is really useful for fixing for shots that are poorly framed, and I use this method to help correct myself all the time.

    Lower your guns-
    Yes, I know you can't do this over xbox live, but you can do it in local, and local can hold up to 4 people. For my Amelioration teaser, I controlled 2 controllers at one time, which was a challenge, but I did it. For this piece, you had no more than 2 actors in a single shot, or so it appeared to me. Simple get somebody, brother, sister, mom, dad, anyone to play that second controller. It is simple work that anyone can do, just move up and down the right analog to imitate talking. Lowered guns will greatly improve this.

    Your idea was there, though execution was poor and it's been done alot. I suggest coming up with more original ideas for future products. Here, I can't help much though in the form of comedy, since I am not a comedian.

    Emphasis. It is hard to act, I know, but sometimes you just got to throw yourself out there. It is easier in machinima though, because all we here is your voice. Get into it, don't be shy, scream intot he mic or punch yourself in the balls until you cry, just don't hold back.

    I can nitpick a bit more, but those are the main points that you should improve on. I wish you the best of luck.
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I actually found it quite entertaining. The dog part was funny, I know I'm mean, and the rick roll was unexpected. One thing to remember is to be sure to lower your guns and use a map other than Foundry. Foundry is one of the worst sets for H3 machinimas in my opinion, use a map like High Ground or Standoff in a base. Good job Stealth.

    P.S. You can haz no excuse for no lowered weapons cuz NjJudge is your neighborsauce.
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    hahahaha shutup he wasnt at my house he lives 30 minutes away from me. also episode 2 will be way better none of you will be expecting it.
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Me: Lemme guess, another Rick Roll?
    You: Dang it! How'd ya know.
    Me: H4x guy.

    I know your secrets Stealth.
  8. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    you are so far from guessing episode 2 its funny
  9. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    It better not be on Foundry or *angary faic* >:[
  10. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    well it would be good if you used foundry and made a completely new map with none of the original showing. But with the machinima, i found that the lack of emphasis was the worst thing, plus the guns up. like sweeny said, just put your all into it. good though. i applaud your effort.
  11. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    The machinima was okay, definitely much better than Red vs. Green on youtube. But, theres some criticism I look to give:

    Lowering the guns:

    Apart from what SweeneyTodd said, you can also (assuming you have a video effects program similar to Adobe After Effects) simulate having another person, by using the effects program to "merge" your two video clips together, to have as many people as you want with lowered guns on screen. The downside to this, is that it takes much more time, and syncing up the videos can be a real pain.


    It was there, and this probably would have been much funnier with some emotion in the acting. If I'm not mistaken, the "I took your car" and "radioactive spider!" were both references to Master Cheef from Arby N' The Chief and Matt from Pregame Lobby, respectively (assuming I'm right in that assumption.) The Rickroll was funny, but It could've been used in a better spot, like on the radio of the Warthog when the dog gets run over or the guy's car gets stolen.

    Anyway, improve on these things and your next one should be much better.
  12. Project Halo

    Project Halo Ancient
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    2. that dog part was freakin HILARIOUS.

    3. the vid had pretty bad quality but DANG that was funny.

    4. the dude's voice reminds me of grif.

    5. GJ
  13. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    umm the carjacker was not a reference to master cheef i just used that voice for him because i wanted to. And for the matt part Matt from pre game lobby actually did voice acting for me so that wasnt a reference either.
    1. ......
    2. thanks
    4. whose voice?
    5. thanks
  14. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the car jack segment was so racist lol. If you have to ask why, look closely...
  15. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i just realized that i didnt mean for that to be racist. dang i fail at machinima i should just quit. wait i cant episode 2 is coming.

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