Grave Digger

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by robotic nerd, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    [size=+3]Attention: Quit telling me to edit or add stuff! I'm doin' it! I will be done in a couple of days! Calm down![/size]

    Hey, hey! This is the second map i've posted here. Sorry it took so long (not that anyone cares), but my Halo 3 was broke. I fixed it with scotch tape!

    Anyway, I literally did this in one day. I was planning on doing something like that Hurricane Katrina map, but it evolved. It's called Grave Digger because... it looks like a huge shovel. So creative, I know...

    This is small, just like my other map. It took a lot more work than my last map did, though. Basically, there is a large(ish) base at the head of the shovel, and a smaller one at the handle. It has a room in the middle and two hallways on each side. Wow. All i really did was take White Forrest and took the top off and put it somewhere else. Oh well.

    As for gametypes, I recommend slayer. I set up some KoTH and CTF stuff, but slayer variants are best. I don't have a gametype made for it, but I can make one if anyone wants one. Just give me a suggestion.

    And the screenshots...

    This is the head of the shovel. It is where the defender's base is.

    This is the handle. It is where the attacker's base is.

    This it the defender's base. I like the little walkway. Notice the dumpster. Ugh. I hate it. I couldn't figure out how to have an eye pleasing way to get to the walkway. Someone help!

    This is the attacker's "base". It's really just a place for people to start, as most of the action takes place at the defender's base. Very disappointed in the ceiling...
    I fixed the ceiling. It now consists of nicely placed fence walls.

    This is the room in the middle. There is a shotgun in the middle. That's about it.

    Another view of the middle.

    One hallway on the side of the middle(sorry, that makes no sense).
    I took away these hallways. They sucked.

    There's my second map. I'm thinking about posting a bunch of my old and terrible maps as a pack, just for laughs(in case you're not already laughing at this map). See you then.

    Right now I am working to make this map better. If you download it now, it will not be complete. I suggest you wait for a day or two till i get it done.

    Download "Grave Digger"
    Man, I swear someone has used that name...
    #1 robotic nerd, Dec 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  2. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    its cool how you thought of making a map in a shape of a shovel, but the roof slightly looks a bit sloppy and some of the walls arent that straight. use the squares on the floor as a guide to make sure walls arent off angle. but anyways id give it a 3/5
  3. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    I didn't actually... mean to make it in the shovel. And I was getting lazier as I went on. I hate the back end. The only part I like is the defender's base.
  4. Project Halo

    Project Halo Ancient
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    this map is kinda cool. 4/5
    i like the idea, very original.
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    It looks okay. The layout is original, but not very playable. Basically you have two tunnels, which are pretty narrow, so that may lead to grenade spamming. Still, a pretty solid map. 3/5. Try cleaning it up a bit, adding some more cover inside and perhaps taking out the wall in the middle and having scenery instead. Keep on forging.
  6. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Wait, what wall in the middle? You mean the entire room?
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I mean the wall that divides the room into tunnels.
  8. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    What does hmm mean? Do you hate it?
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    It looks pretty cool,some of the interlocking is a little bit awkward, and some of the hallways look like thered be a lot of spamming, but other than that it looks like fun.

    And also, a shovel is also not the only thing it looks like. Haha I know I am a sicko
  10. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Yeah, I looked at it after I made it and was like, "I wonder who the first one to notice this will be?". Congratulations!
  11. lilalphawolf00

    lilalphawolf00 Ancient
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    hey since you dont like the dumpster y dont you try geomerging a box or something like that it will make and easy way up and looks kool :)

    try to geomerge a box for the dumpster
    #11 lilalphawolf00, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2008
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey looks nice, its a shovel with a map inside of it, looks like it can be really cool with a sword gametype.
    Nice job, i would have interlocked the walls a little better
  13. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    Looks cool, but it looks way too tiny to actually play in. Maybe add a second floor.
  14. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    uhmm... are u suuuuure... thats a shovel?? anyways it looks pretty good, a bit sloppy roofing but cool non-the-less. 3/5

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    little more merging and i think the map would just look sweet. other then that everything else too me looks good.
  16. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    this map looks pretty cool, actually. the shape of the map is a little odd, but original. it's well constructed, but gameplay may be lacking, considering the size and the one long hallway. so anyway, i give you a 4/5. keep it up!
  17. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    good map i can tell you put time into it. But if you stood on another person you could get out
  18. xDHxHAVOC

    xDHxHAVOC Ancient
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    This might not be a top of the line map but the thought of making a shovel is original I have never seen this before. But the forging looks good but it just doesnt click for me. I have seen somethings that could be improved like in picture 7. Your roof making skills could be a bit better thats only part of the map. Overall I give it 3.5/5.
  19. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    luckiesnipes, if someone wants to ruin the game for themselves, i'm not stopping them. There is no way back in if you go out. You'll either have to kill yourself, costing your team points, or if you can't. then you're screwed. So go ahead and leave. I don't care.
  20. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    eh. looks boring. i mean its cool, but its kinda boring
    1v1 would be okay i guess. add shield doors so theres no granade spamming. but then ud wouldnt want there to be a shotgun and shield door. so i say replace the shotty with rockets. and add shield doors.
    ... and btw, it looks like a DING DONG! sorry my door bell rang. anyway, it looks like PRIVETS! yes! me and my friend are privates rank in team swat! sorry again! it looks like and 8=D, sorry, doing math homework. i MENT to say it looks like a shovel. ;)

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