Border Patrol v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shihuru, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Rat's Nest
    Gametype: Infection and V.I.P
    Description: This map is only suppose to be played in infection games(can now be played with V.I.P). The humans are the Border hoppers who needs to cross the border, but also have to clear out the the border guards(Zombies) or else they will take you into custody(being infected). The humans has a wide variety of vehicles they can choose from to cross the border. They can use a normal turret warthog, a guass worthog, a ghost, a mongoose, and a chopper. The zombies also are able to use different types of equipment to stop them, they can also use flame throwers, firebombs, BRs, and shotguns as well. If you have time before the humans come back, you can look for some secret weapons placed in the border. One is very difficult to get, but if you can get it you can stop those border hoppers. I'll give you a hint, its at a high elevation.

    Rules of the Map: Human players must drive around the map(lots of fun when you have a ghost or chopper). They must not go into the interior of the map. They must not stop, border hoppers doesn't stop for anything...unless it was another border hopper in need of transportation or rescue. If any human players broke the rules give them one warning. If they persist, boot them for ruining the game.

    Zombies are to stay at their posts. They are not allowed to go into the tunnels. If they do give them one warning, and if they do it again boot them....for ruining the game.

    Link To Map: Border Patrol

    Link To Gametype: Border Patrol Game Variant

    Border Patrol V.I.P


    Additional Info: Please comment if you have queued for download or have already download. Just comment anything, a nice job, something!

    And please do not go in the center of the map. Stay on the track.
  2. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    Lol, it should have been the other way, with the Mexica...I mean border hoppers as zombies and humans as border guards.
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    That wouldn't be right. Its better the way it is.
  4. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    It would be right though, if you really think about it.
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    Please explain to me, in details how we can switch up the roles in this game. But i think i know what you mean a little. have the border guards drive around while the border hoppers hide from them. And they will have to get to certain pionts on the map at the same time. But i still want "YOU" to explain to me how it would work.
  6. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    Alright, here's my explanation, in some parts using examples from real life:
    a.)Zombies=Border Hoppers Why?= Because they're "infecting" the other country.
    b.)Humans=Border Guarders Why?= Because that's what it is in real life lol.
    c.)Now, in some random made up movie, why would humans try and attack a zombie fortress? Wouldn't it make more sense for the zombies to attack the humans? Like, ever since somebody made up zombies?
    d.)What's been happening recently? Mexicans(Zombies in my idea of the gametype) have been border hopping the US's(Humans) borders.
    There's my explanation.
  7. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    Careful with what you say Bllasae. Racism is frowned upon here.
  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Re: "Border Patrol" Now with V.I.P

    yeah, but the humans aren't attacking the border guards, they're trying to escape pass them. And the zombies are trying to stop them. It wouldn't make sense for the zombies to be running away, Because the game wouldn't end correctly.
  9. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good idea, hate all the racist comments going on around here.

    I like it. Wish it didn't have honor rules =/
    How about you put teleporters on the tunnel entrances to teleport non vehicle-riding people back outside.?

    Anyways 7/10.
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know, why didn't i think of that that! thats a good idea. But then what about the Humans. Some people that i have played with went in the interior of the map. i tried doing something about that but i couldn't.

    P.S. Cana anybody help me how to fix the respawns in foundry and last resort. I put in my own respawn points in but like 1 or 2 people "always" spawn at a couple of the original points.
  11. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You need to make sure you are using starting points for the beginning. If you want to check if you missed any spawn points, kill yourself in forge then delete the place you spawn if it isn't needed.

    And bllsae, I just read some of your other comments, you seriously are racist.
  12. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i did, and i keep respawning at the original points. whenever you kill urself is the only time you actually go to the spawn points that i created.

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