The downloads can be found here: and a video can be found here: Thanks.
Re: Basketbomb - Halo 3 Sports - Spark Studios please read the how to post properly topic before posting. If you want people to be interested in your map, you want the topic to look appealing. I know that you are new to forge hub, but your post broke a lot of rules.
Re: Basketbomb - Halo 3 Sports - Spark Studios Thumbs down. This is pretty much grif ball. But it explodes in the air. And theres a wall behind it. That's the only difference. Which is pretty much all you can do to make a basketball map. Think of something no one has done before, and try and make it
Re: Basketbomb - Halo 3 Sports - Spark Studios I know the topic is unappealing. The map also isn't really for looks, its for gaming.
Re: Basketbomb - Halo 3 Sports - Spark Studios I'm not saying that you should post it for looks. I'm saying that you need to follow the Forge Hub rules in making your post proper.
Re: Basketbomb - Halo 3 Sports - Spark Studios Embed photos please. I watched the video. It's pretty good, but it's rather like football maps. I wish there were a way to throw objects in Halo.