Unfortunatly people have the right to call for a constitutional amendment in their state and if they win they can change whatever they want. They could add in a state constitution people are not aloowed to wear jeans. I wonder if any schools in the U.S. require The Arts of War to be read like in China and Japan and whatnot.
No no no. Not offensive to one individual. Let's start from something we would agree on. Let's invent a pretend book about orgies. This book discusses, displays, and encourages the act of orgies. Could you logically see any parent wanting their child exposed to this book?
Well just earlier we read a book called Life In Prison, by Stanley Tookie Williams even though it is not allowed at our High School. Yet this book is real educational as it shows and explains the true life behind bars.
I've changed my mind. I think all books should be banned. Reading is in no way beneficial to our society. Being ignorant is the only way to live!
So you are saying keep the stuff that is only more educational than is bad, even if it has horrible "scenes" and get rid of some magazines that are bad? Haha, that amused me greatly.
He means certain books, for example: Harry Potter was banned in some christian schools because of it's themes of witchcraft, and I think The Deathly Hallows(the seventh book) was banned at some junior schools because it had too many deaths and dark themes. -Personally I think this is ridiculous and if you don't want to read a book don't pick it up in the first place, no one is forcing them to read them
If it is not purposefully derogatory, then it should not be removed. Like in Nitrous' example, Mark Twain used some words that may offend certain people in his books. However, like Nitrous said, it is used to show how life was back then, and how ignorant it was. If it can teach you a lesson, then it's good. Also, books that have "horrible scenes" in them for entertainment purposes should not be in school libraries.
Yes, I do agree with that. It only took us three pages to agree. haha. I agree though. Even harry potter can teach you a lesson like stick together and don't trust the government (haha).
Simply put, I am asking (too much, I guess) that it be handled with common sense. It's not hard to theorize that no sane parent wants his 9 year-old reading 1984. It's just not appropriate for that age group. Now, to say that any Classic should be banned is wrong, in my opinion. That's because they are called, "Classics," because they've been in existence for a notable amount of time and have been acknowledged by the general public as educationally beneficial and of supreme quality. There are most definitely books, though, that cannot be considered appropriate to be in a school's library; those should be banned.
Like pornographic books unless they are being used to teach a lesson or are being used in sex-ed class?
Not exactly sure why you'd need a sex scene from a book for sex-ed, but I suppose that's a healthy compromise.
Neither would I but we watch a woman giving birth in bio because we are doing the reproductive system. In short, it's a wierd world.
some schools in the south east banned harry potter for promoting witchcraft and satanism??? hows that for screwed up
I dont believe books should be banned in School, I mean without them schools arent really a school. dont schools revolve around books for information? Hmm interesting topic, lets see how it turns out
Just to be helpful; I think they shouldn't be banned because they are the main source of research and reveision. Unless your school is filled with computers, then books are invaluable.