Map name: Steeworks Author: IVlatty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, CTF, Assault Recommended Gametypes: 1Flag CTF 3-4 Min round Recommended Teams: 8 - 12 +++Download+++ "This map is sublime. It is such a tactical game, just like Last Resort" I Robbo I This is my Second released map, i believe it is MUCH better than the first. Map Features: -Fully working lift -Fully working Garbage chute that activates after 2 mins, only letting you IN the base -Plenty of cover, plenty of seperate areas to hold the enemy off Weapons: -1 rocket (2 shots, 90 sec respawn) -1 shotgun (1 spare clip 60 sec respawn) -2 sniper rifles (1 spare clip 40 sec respawn) -2 SMG's - Around 10 BR's - around 6 - 8 plasma grenades - 4 frag grenades - 1 Gauss Warthog - 2 Mongoose's Description This map took quite a while to do. I have spent around 2 days, on and off, making it. I started the map from the small lift, just experimenting in means to make a good working lift. From there i began making walkways and it just went from there. The attacking team have a Warthog, and 3 mongooses, but will find it difficult to traverse through the base unscaved, unless they have a good driver. Both teams have a sniper rifle, and the Attacking team have a much better advantage over the Defending team in regards to cover. There is an active camo in the garbage chute, and an overshield in the middle of the little lift. I do believe that the warthog cant control this map, unlike it tends to do on some maps. The gauss is much harder to use than the standart turret, but much more rewarding. I have placed plenty of spawn points, for both teams, there is also plenty of cover, but lots of open space in areas, providing places that excell in vehicle and infantry combat Im not very good at describing a map, im sure you would much prefer if you could see it yourself, so what are you waiting for? Updated Screens View of the base from the left View of the base from the right View from the Attackers side View in the base from the garbage chute exit View in the base from the opposite side looking back Another view from the left hand side spawns, showing some cover View of the lift, that will take you up to the rocket launcher, View of the garbage chute before the chute has been activated (Takes 2 mins) View of the garbage shoot at 2 mins into the round View of the garbage shoot 2 mins and 1 second into the round Feel free to say what you like, i am looking for advice, so i can improve this map and any future maps i make... Thanks ForgeHub!
Re: Steelworks Looks you spent the time necessary to make sure that everything matches up properly so that your map is clean and playable. I havn't played it yet, so I don't have much in teh way of advice. The only thing I can think of is that you could maybe add some bidges crossing teh center gap. Jsut an idea though, it's just fine without it.
Re: Steelworks Why bother posting a map when in your initial post you say there will be an update? It makes no sense whatsoever. You should wait until it supports all the gametypes you want it to and plays as well as you think it can.
Re: Steelworks Cossss i was out, and i wanted to see what people thought, and weather or not it was worth changing. I made this map for 1 Flag CTF. I know people would like to play other gametypes, so im in the process of changing it now.
Looks great, I haven't played an offence/defence style map in a while. Good job interlocking, I like the "Structures" placed around the map also.
Dope map. Great layout, i love assymetrical maps, and you've balanced this one well. Me being a Team Objective kinda guy, I'm a big fan of this map and i havent even played any matches on it yet. Let me know when youre gonna get some going, im down. spawning looks great too.
Thanks, i know you might say some of it looks empty, but i tried to make it capable of supporting a warthog, and also i ran out of currency, i didnt money glitch cos i always mess it up and lose items.
played it last night, theres one place you can jump to... (Above rocket launch), where you can jump onto the ledge and go around half the map on the ledge...
Isn't that the same as saying there was no point in Bungie releasing a Beta for Halo 3 because they hadn't finished everything? That they shouldn't have said "It isn't finished yet, we'll be working on it over the next few months, here's what we have in terms of multiplayer so far, but it doesn't support all maps and weapons yet" I see your comment in the same light. Sorry if I sound nasty or flaming