
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Bartoge, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ok i played this map and let me tell you the map is awesome i liked most of the times map events (more weapons pl0x?) however there is one mistake you made that pretty much ruined the entire map
    THE CUSTOM POWERUP!!! seriously, what the heck man? the only way to win is to get it so you spend all your time trying to get to the top just to grab the custom powerup that respawns every 30 seconds (yeah one game everyone got it, most boring thing ever) lure them into the middle you say, well it doesn't work they just stand on the top and rain plasmas on you and even when it wears off saying that they havent grabbed it again because there camping up there they still have a slowly degenerating 4x over shield so your screwed anyway, i would highly suggest making it respawn waaaaaay later in the game like 150 seconds and make you invunerable for 5-10 seconds first off when it wears off you dont have a 4x over shield
    now dont get me wrong i <3 the idea and the area was excellant, check out the guide for making boxes the same color though i think someone gave you a link but until the v2 (please make one this map has so much potential)
    a 3/5
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Wow. This look really nice, I love the crate floor and the hecticness of it. This map looks more of a Kind of the Hill type or a Territories instead of Slayer. If you fix it up a bit, I can see this getting featured, that's if the gameplay is outstandingly good. I'm not at my house right now so I can't download it, but as soon as I get home I will and do a couple test plays with the suggested amount of players.

    You should make a version 2, with smooth interlocking boxes and maybe a Territories gametype. :p
  3. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Koth and territories would actually work pretty good. I can help evaluate how to use some gametypes on your maps, it would be really fun.

    For Koth make it on the center platform where the custom power-up is, they will earn points for how ever long they are in that section. Others will try to push you off the middle section and you may possibly fall into the boxed area in the bottom. That would be extremely fun to play.

    For territories you can surround them around different platforms, make sure that they don't lock though. You should have them be captured fairly quick, the main objective would really be having your team try to capture all the territories while the other team does the same.

    For Vip I would have different check points that you want your vip to get to, once a vip gets to a checkpoint have the other checkpoint in a different place. It would be like rocket race except no rockets, no vehicles, and more fun. Vip would work, but the map is a tad bit small though.

    Another good gametype that would stick more closely to your original slayer idea, would be juggernaut. The juggernaut starts on the center platform up top, and everyone else is below. They must try to kill him to be the juggernaut, it would be fun because the juggernaut and everyone else could possibly fall in the box pit.

    Their are many gametypes suitable for your map, I highly suggest a v2.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Sweet bro, this map looks like it plays a whole new find of fun. Nice job with the map/game.
  5. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    The gametype has received an update. Now called "Rejected" look under Rebound to see the differences between the two. The first gametype is still available for download to see my first effort.

    Thanks for your time and help
    - Bartoge
  6. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I can't believe you kept the slayer gametype, you really should have choose something else. I think everyone here can agree that a different gametype would have been nice, I really wished for king of the hill on the center platform. Im actually a bit upset, I was really expecting something better.
  7. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Dont fret, the slayer was just a quick update. I did it in my spare time, so I thought you guys might like the updated version. I will still think of ways to make it compatible for other gametypes. Im not done with the map yet, so you can expect more.
  8. monko12105

    monko12105 Ancient
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    whoa, looks fun Ill dl as soon as i clean up my HD

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