hey guys i have a big HUGE question that has been bothering me since day one why the heck do you guys use 10s 100s .5s and stuff like that when you rate a map? and guys i gotta get one thing strait first, i am not criticizing you there is nothing wrong with giving a map a 4/10 our a 3.5/5 . Infact i think that a */10 our a A+ is better in some ways then a */5 ,and once again im not ranting i am just confused. I thought that you were supposed to give a map a */5 review and then rate it in the top right corner with the star thing. if im seeing this wrong just tell me and once again im not complaining/criticizing/questioning your preferences/ranting about how you do this they are all fine. in other words if we are supposed to rate a map using those star things in the corner witch you can't give .5s because it only go's to five or are we supposed to totally ignore them?
I couldn't really understand what you were saying, but from what I did understand here is my answer.. People just assign grades for how they feel the map looks like and plays from just the pics. Sometimes people will just feel the need to add like 10 fives to the end like "I give this Map A 4.55555/5." Retype your question and I might be able to answer you more completely
Because numbers can be more accurate. If you say B+, what the hell is that supposed to mean? But a 36.7/50 with explained reasons is easier, more understandable, and less complex. Its pretty much a grade but without the letter. Why do you need to put a letter next to the number you rated it...
no what im saying is i thought you were sussposed to after you review a map give it a rating with those stars and i was wondering how you would do that if you gave it a 4.3/5? our are we supposed to totally ignore them?
Most people don't actually use the star ratings at the top right of threads. They like to give their own rating so that you can see how they personally felt about the map instead of just getting one averaged, all inclusive review with only the stars as a means of telling you how people feel about your map. Make sense?