This is my first post and best track to date (Dec 11th, 2008). This track is very long and intense. Speed is the idea here and skill. The bouce doors in the corners are for maximum speed and are kindof tricky to use. Dont worry you will be just fine. The track uses all the good objects such as walls, stairs, boxes, shield doors, etc. Sorry about the destination not being cheat proof but next time I will try to remember to put one in. Any ways enjoy the twists and turns of Airborne Spin. Download AnF Knight's Airborne Spin Below : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEO BELOW
wow this track is very intense great forge skills. There is a huge bank turn which caught my attention what a great map love it!
this is one of the better race tracks ive seen in awhile. the banked turns are outstanding, and everything is very well forged.
Great track, but I dont like the idea of jumping in the air then having a real hard turn to make. Anyway the interlockz is great and the track is outstanding. Hope to see more tracks from you in the future
It looks like a very well built track, alot of interlox, but like BobSaget said I think it would be hard to jump and then turn almost immediately
Its actually not hard to jump and land on the turn trust me but thanks for the thought and concern. The picture dosent show it very well . Sorry about that im just learning to take pictures and post them lol.
This track looks spectacular. I'll let you know my thoughts after I play it, but from the pics, it looks pretty epic. Edit: Lol, I actually joined your party once when you were forging this. You booted me. Back on track. The design for this track is excellent, and the forging of the actual track is great as well. Having said that, you need to block of the track a little better at some parts, such as right at the beginning, you can take a left and cut half the track. I'm sure that this doesn't matter if you are in a racing clan and have honorable people playing, but you need to make it as uncheatable as possible if you are to post this to the world. You did mention that you didn't make the checkpoint uncheatable, and you really need to do that. I also thought that the random items around the track (barrels, cones, etc) made the track look a bit tacky and sometimes affected gameplay. The track is very nice, but I think you need to make a V2 for the racing fans. 7/10
Great racetrack, great layout, good designing, but this is your biggest flaw. What happens if I accidentally run into the cones and go over the edge? I fall down into that hole, but I can't get out....bummer, so I'm stuck until the game is over. Like I said, you can't have movable objects blocking off main areas of the map.
oh man awesome track, but i had the same problem as the guy above me, but other than that it was crazy! i love all the banked turns, its one of my favourite tracks now
cool map, what really amazes me about it is the shear length, you maximized almost every item for the track and that TRULY takes skills. if you made this uncheatable i wouldnt be surprized to see it featured
unfortunately, it doesn't seem un cheatable, but it's still a feat of forging nonetheless. 5/5, ill DL, but my friends love to cheat!
this looks amazing! one of the best racing maps ive ever seen, and it keeps you going at top speed most of the track, and thats what i like in a perfect race track. 5/5
Hey thanks guys for your comments. I would love to cheat proof it but i cant because I accidently broke the infinate money and saved it before i remembered. I know i probably wont get featured now or if I would in the first place but im working on a track now and its awsome so we will have to see. Look for my new track sometime over the holidays. Once again thanks guys Also I know dumb question but how do I put my signature like everyone else. Im putting it in my actual post not how im supposed to. Thanks again.
So this is my best track to date and Im currently working on another really good track. Once again thanks for the comments the more the better. Please keep commenting I really appreciate it.
OMG this is the sickest map that i have ever seeen, i cant believe that you took all of foundry and created a giant race track using every item available, ive played this track and believe me, it is long, fast, and hard, NO **** lol, its fun as hell 100/10
Uhhh, is it possible that AnF Ryan, RK the Beast, and AnF Knight are collaborators? Perhaps even the same person? NOt that that is a transgression, just that I have noticed the "triangle" of enthusiastic comments that seem unnatural. Good racemap nonetheless.
I know them both on xbox live, RK The Beast is AnF Ryan, he just switched his GT. And anf knight is definitly not anf ryan, they're just in the same clan...