The Arch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Dec 11, 2008.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Very Poor

    1 vote(s)
  2. Poor

    0 vote(s)
  3. Okay

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  4. Cool

    5 vote(s)
  5. Awesome

    13 vote(s)
  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    The Arch V2

    The Arch V2 is a map with an arching centre structure. Some people who helped to test this have called it the rainbow bridge. This structure tends to be where the main bulk of the battles are. I tried to give this map solid gameplay which is both fun and competitive.

    This map can be played with all standard gametypes excluding Infection.

    Thanks for everyone who gave advice on suitable improvements for The Arch V2.

    Version 2 changes:

    Sword replaced with Regenerator
    Active camo replaced with Gravity Hammer
    Bubble Shield removed
    Sniper Rifle ammo decreased from 8 shots to 4 shots
    Crates replaced with dumpsters to prevent the map design altering
    Different King Of The Hill locations which utilise the map better
    King Of The Hill locations now have a spawn order
    Oddball location has been moved to the top of the arch
    One of the Territory capture areas has increased in sized


    Overview 2

    Middle Of The Arch


    Rocket Hallway

    Sniper Spawn

    Starting Spawn Area/ Base

    Corner Structure

    Hammer Location

    Action Shots


    Download removed due to a new version being released soon.
    #1 Mini Waz, Dec 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  2. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks like an incredible map. The arch is definitely the most prominent feature, but the rest of the map is excellently forged and constructed as well. My only concern is the number of power weapons on the map. It seems like there a few too many. I think that the snipers could be taken out without a dip in the gameplay, but thats just my opinion, and i need to test this out.

    Edit: I just noticed the recon guy in the pictures.
  3. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay you posted it! this map's interlocking and geomerging are perfect and smooth making for awesome gameplay. the video help too! this would also make a good team map too with slayer, CTF, Assault, and maybe even team oddball! overall, I give this map a 4.5/5
    Excellent job once again!
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    this looks like an excellent map. I shall have to DL and play with friends later. The name could be better, but it does describe the map pretty well lol. Great job. 9/10 from pics.
  5. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ohhhh dang ahah this was one of my ideas for a 76th map and I actually started on it. Good thing I didn't go through with it :D Nice job though - mine wasn't looking too great in the first place since I was using bridges instead of fence walls. The map itself looks awesome and I assume gameplay isn't any less than that. I know it doesn't really matter, but I also like that little "Corner Structure" you made as well. It's simple, but it looks cool to me. The map layout isn't the MOST original, but it's not just a ripoff of anything either. Overall, great idea and great execution I'll be lookin for your maps from now on.

    10/10 - and yea I just gave a perfect 10 :D I'll see if anything changes after gameplay some time today.

    EDIT: I played it a little bit ago in a 2v2 and it wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't garbage either. It ended up being a 1v2 since my teamate had to go, but I got an invincible. No joke. The sword is just a bit overpowered in this map in my opinion. I had that and a BR so I was pretty much unstoppable. I also picked up OS and Camo a lot and pretty much just raped. I dunno if that's just because of the teams or because of the map so I guess it's up to you. If I were you I'd switch out the sword with a shotty or mauler or something. Other than that, it worked out pretty nicely. When we had the 2v2 going and no one had the sword there was a good battle goin. 9/10 including gameplay.
    #5 Doog Nit, Dec 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  6. Kjjqxyrst

    Kjjqxyrst Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks good to me... I like everything about the map but with the arch being so big and open on the top why would anyone go up there? Unless of course thats where the ball or hill is
  7. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks superb
    although a little bleak and lifeless
    could add some more colour otherwise
  8. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is really well done. The merging is very smooth, and the layout provides excellent balance. The weapon set flows well with this map, and you've used the tools at your disposal very well to make the map play well. This looks great for stuff like CTF or Assault, but would be great for good ol' Team Slayer. Overall, I'd give you a 9/10 for this map. message GT: Mikepwnsnoobs if you need someone for playtesting.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First of all i have say good job on the pics in this post, they really make your map look very good.
    The layout of this map is very original and i am glad you made the arch out of fence walls so you can shoot through.
    Very nice map congrats
  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well.... First off, the quality of all the forging techniques is superb. Everything looks really smooth, and incredibly well interlocked. Still, the map looks a bit plain. Despite that, I will still download this and check it out. I'll be back after I play this a bit. And yes, Mini Waz can has Recon. Don't bother him about it.
  11. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I agree. But I would also take notice in the amount of movable objects on the map. I don't like the crate structure in the corner. It will create camping and to many movable objects to be bounced around with grenades.

    Other than that the map looks good.
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've had the idea for a hill (more or less) focused map, I'm glad to see it would've been a great idea. 4/5 for forging skills, and weapons.

    i might edit the post later when i DL it.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Aw, you posted it? And you didn't let me look at it before I got my red ring? :mad: looks great, though. I'll check it out with you when I get my xbox back, but it looks great.
  14. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    Wow, nice job, I like the idea and how you made it. I do agree with there being a few too many power weapons though, Other than that it looks superb 4.5/5!
  15. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    i Like this map a lot. the interlocking and geomerging is very smoothe. I like the structure's design. The Symmetrical design is very nice and everything is the same on both sides which is hard to do sometimes

    Only a couple minor things i would say that could be fixed. The weapons are a little weird. you have sniper, rockets, sword, camo, OS all on this tiny map. I think that is just a little over powering. When i was playing it people were picking up rockets and sniper and OS and totally dominating. I think if you had sniper, rockets, and Camo it would not be so high powered.

    Overall i would rate this map a 87/100
  16. Prophet Opeth

    Prophet Opeth Ancient
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    to put it simple terms, this looks's original and it looks like the game play will be great as well
  17. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    This map looks awesome, can't wait to give it a go. And btw, that wasn't Aerosmith singing Walk this Way, that was the Beastie Boys. (I hate the Beastie Boys)
  18. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for the comments, i can see your points about the power weapons. After playing a couple of 2 vs 2 matches i like the gameplay a lot. As for all of the power weapons, i'll carry on playing on this map the way it is and i'll make the appropriate changes if neccessary.

    Edit: Okay, i've thought of some possible changes and i'll be sure to test play them and update the map if it seems to improve upon the gameplay.

    xXECWFIENDXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :O. WOW, this is absolutely superb. You deserve all the praise in the world, really this is awesome. This deserves to be featured, the ILs are excellent, and it looks like it would work great with Oddball, KOTH, Slayer and 2 Flag.

  20. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    Holy Awesomeness

    OMG thats an awesome map! The first thing I'm gonna do after I get my 360 is download this map.

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