I'm trying to create a map with two different levels, and I want there to be a curved ramp to get up to the second level. So, while I was playing around in Foundry with the idea, I discovered that every time I try to make a curved ramp, it also has to be banked, and when it isn't, the ramp looks unfinished with the corner of one object sticking out through the other one. I've tried merging objects and also not merging objects. (If you're having trouble visualizing, I want it to be like a spiral staircase, but only 180º and to be more gradual. [When I say "gradual", I don't mean I want it to go all the way across Foundry.] I also want it to be two box-heights high.) So, my question is: Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about fixing this? Edit: New Screenshots. (They're the first two.) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=More%20Easy If anyone knows hot to link individual screenshots, would you please tell me? Oh, and by the way, the first screenshot is not of my map. It's of a map I downloaded today called Helm's Deep.
do u want it like a floor that spirals around or more like a skinny staircase. if ur doing a staircase thing then u could put a stair case down then a flat floor type thin then a staircase next to it. if u want a less steep slope then u will have to use bridges or another stationary object and merge them together. if it looks messy then just block the sides with like a wall or sumtin.
I want it to be like a semicircle that elevates gradually two stories, and goes across about a quarter to a third the length of Foundry, (the long way.) What do you mean by skinny staircase. Oh, and I don't want it to go around more than once, just half a circle... Once.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to link a picture on this website, so here are a couple images to reiterate what I'm describing. They are the first and second images. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=More%20Easy
in that case i suggest u merge a double box into the ground, bottomside up. then just merge more boxes together