Coldplay Sued By Joe Satriani for "Viva La Vida"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sam, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    actually, the **** is almost identical. i can see why he'd be upset. Satriani doesnt need to sue for money and fame. That guy is a legend. Coming from a standpoint of being a musician, i wouldnt hesitate to call someone out on taking my work.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Joe Satriani is one of my favorite guitar players ever and there is not doubt that cold play listened to his song and wrote one using his. You can see the simularity of the two songs
    you need your ears checked

    i lol'ed
    who is this joe guy

    oh ya who the hell is cold play wtf

    In conclusion

    coldplay (whoever this band is) deserves to get there asses sued for basically stealing someones song, joe satriani will always be better then them. But I do have to admit he does have enough money that he really doesnt need to sue, but who cares more money for him, i would have done the same thing
  3. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I realize now why Viva La Vida was so wasn't made by Coldplay. All their other songs suck.

    Go Joe!
  4. E93

    E93 Guest

    Personal opinion, they do kinda sound alike.

    Kind of a shame it Coldplay did intentionally rip it.

    I know exactly what you mean.

    Chances are bucko, more people know Coldplay than Joe Satriani.
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Your point is totally moot.

    Think about this. I make a song using only the guitar and I publish it. It becomes a success and I get a little bit of money.

    Now, let's say that smeone else hears my song, learns how to play it on guitar and then decides to publish it as well except it's played on a the violen and he gets a shitload of money.

    Des that change the fact that the other person stle my song? No. I'll sue that guys ass and take all the mney he got from my song.

    And anyway, I think they're screwed no matter what they do, as if they got off scot free, I'd imagine that that sets a dangerous precedent for musicians around the US.
  6. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    This is becoming a heated debate. Argue on...
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Dude, all you are crazy and have totally the wrong idea.

    They need to re-record this song together man, cause it sounds totally bad ass now with the mash up.

    Alright, jk about the crazy part, but I am serious. The song is actually cool to listen to now for me. On a side note, I've known and loved Coldplay, so it disappoints me that they are in such a predicament, but I am not taking any sides here.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    The lyrics make them sounds similar, but in the music I don't see much similarity. And no mattter what you say, coldplay is my favorite band. They have many other great songs 2.
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Anyone remember this? Probably not cause you aren't the product of the Vanilla Ice MC Hammer era like me. Yeah I had a Miami Hurricanes sweatshirt and hat lol. Anyways, end of an era....

    But back on topic, Vanilla Ice claimed that there was a 1 beat difference between his sound and Queens....And got his ass served in court. I love Coldplay, but the similarity is too great in the melody department. It would be hard to believe that they didn't know Joe Santriani or any of his songs since as TSB said, he is a guitar legend. And saying you subconsciously stole it would not hold up in court, whether that was the truth or not.
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    First of all, you wrote everything except 'too' correctly. WTF?

    Second, the lyrics sound nothing alike...
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I care about either artists, but I can hear the similarities. Although, they do have different parts during that area of the song so technically it's not like they totally ripped it off. Anyways, it would be like saying that new Pink song is ripping of an Irish version that has the same melody. Sure, but they've still got different parts.
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Haha, that was soooo long ago, I just barely remember it...sadly I also remember the cartoon show MC Hammer had....*sighs*

    You know who sues people all the time for copy right infringement? Tom Petty. That man has several law suits under his belt. His last victim was the Red Hot Chilli Peppers for their popular song "Dani California".
  13. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I was only 13 years old when Vanilla Ice released "Ice ice baby". I use to listen to Ice ice baby and a bunch of other songs on the casserole player.

    I can see quite a few differences in Coldplays version of the song. I am no music expert so I don't know the rules on what is copying. Anyways, Coldplay was just sampling his song!!:surprise:mg: lol
  14. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Joe Satriani is one of my favorite guitar players. Of course, many don't really know who he is, but he's a ****ing legend in the guitar world. His work is breathtaking, and I've seen him twice in concert. He is absolutely a world-class musician, and in my humble opinion, he is in the top 10 for best guitar players of all time. To respond to those defending Coldplay, I doubt Joe is doing this because he's ignorant. If I am not mistaken Coldplay has been accused of stealing music in the past (from U2?). Not sure if this is actually true; might just be a rumor.
    Anyways, I have had the pleasure of meeting Joe at a guitar clinic and I've never met such a nice person in my life. I know he wouldn't do this for $, fame, etc. He has that already (numerous Grammy nominations, world tours, etc.) I honestly believe he is doing this because he feels his work is being taken. But who better to take music from than a guitar virtuoso (if you catch my drift)?
    EDIT: Crap. My bad Silence. I just read your post. Our posts are pretty much identical...
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Joe Satriani=legend
    Cold Play=Sorry

    Joe Satriani is not suing them just for money he is suing them becuase they did for a fact listen to his song and well copied it.

    its obvious
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Being in the industry that they are, they certainly listened to Joe at some point. It may have been unintentional....or it might not have been.
  17. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I believe what Satriani is doing is right. While it may be true that many people use very similar riffs and licks, they can because the melody of the song is different. But, in this case, the melody is very similar, which is why it's not okay.

    Anyway, Satch will win and Coldplay will suck once more...
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    In the UK, we don't sue. We punch people in the face. Yeah, that works. Then they've got aa broken nose, and they back off. We don't sue.
  19. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    They do sound similar, but alot of songs sound close to each other.

    Check out a band named Saliva. Almost all of their songs are a direct rip of other songs. Nobody has sued them.

    This guy needs to STFU and go make some new music.
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Proof? How do you know that they didn't ask the makers of the original song to use their song?

    How do you know that the melody is the same?

    You need to STFU and get me some proof that the songs are direct rips.

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