I have never really seen anyone concentrate a map on the roomy-section of foundry lol Has it been done and if so was it any good? I dont mean like oh its used in peoples maps... but I mean concentrated on? Because I have a pretty good idea.
nothing major that ive seen or heard of.So throw your idea at us and see how it goes i personally have no idea what id do as its quite small if you pull of something good i will personally congratulate(rough translation:stick you then laugh...then congratulate you :squirrel_giggle
Are talking about the standard bases on Foundry (The area with the hallway and the two rooms)? If you are, I'm currently working on a map that uses just this part of Foundry. I'm not using the bigger area of Foundry at all. The map will have two floors and a fence box grav-lift. I'm hoping to have it finished and posted in the next few days...
Yeah I personally have CTF, VIP, and team slayer in mind... maybe oddball but that might be too hard here. Anyway... We'll see what I can come up with.... I'm gonna keep throwin out maps til I get one featured. I keep trying new concepts, I'm almost finished with one atm... anyway like I said, we'll see... EDIT: exactly that area... lol you post yours... then i'll eventually post mine... we'll compare ideas =)
I recently played a CTF map that used only that section of Foundry, but I can't remember the title or the author (lot of help I know). It was a ForgeHub regular though, so my guess is that it's around here somewhere (just can't find it right now). Anyway, what I mean to say is yes, I agree, it's an underused part of the map that begs for more attention (just not 'unused').
My map doesn't just use the hallway and the rooms, it also uses the two areas just outside of there, that's where I have to two different levels. It will be interesting to compare what we both came up with.
I had an neat idea but I never really got around to using it. Anyone of you guys could take it if you would like. So you just use the hallways in foundry but you make 3 more outside in the big area, make sure they are closed off. Then you can make a 4 story building like structure but nobody ever sees the outside. if you do it right you should have 4 different foundry hallways with the two rooms then you could use teleporters to get from floor to floor. It would be really cool for king of the hill and CTF. I hope someone uses this it could be like an upgraded version of TDF's "Urban Apartment" on last resort. Send me a PM if you decide to make it.
lol mine too... Im not making levels though... I might be doing a sort of mound thing... should be interesting though even though mine wont be up for quite some time, so when you see mine message me so we can compare =)
I dont think I will be making mine, I cant get on for a while. I was just putting it out there for someone to use.
By roomy you mean the area in the back? If so, nothing I have noticed yet. I think it is because it would be hard to play in just that area. You would need to have a rather small party for that. I mean, it would be great for a up-close and deadly match of CTF or Assault, but besdies that, I don't really see much else you could use it for.
one tip i feel like vocalising here is be very very careful what equipment you put there if any.the radius effects could be devastating if not balanced. also same goes for grenades...itd be like the spam factor of Pi x 6 :squirrel_giggle:
I've tried a couple of maps using only that area of Foundry, but haven't really had any success. The area is very small and it's hard to design anything that works well because of that. Good luck to you. I'll be interested to see what you come up with.
Idk I was sitting there thinking to myself and this great idea just popped into my head... dunno when i'm gonna have time to build it but we'll see... Its not anything like you would think.
if someone were to only use that part of the map, during games the way to the other side is a small door and its the only way so camping would be inevitable
In the Shadows is the game variant that goes along with The Estate. It's an infection game type where the zombies have good camo and magnums while the players have BRs or something like that. ... I think.