This map is number 3 in my series of "friendly" games. Designed specifically for you and your buddies to have fun on. Nothin' serious. AND SO... enough of the worthless intro.... i'll start with a few pictures. The Catacombs (4-12 players) lol...stupid zombie from another angle i can haz power weapon? cleanup on aisle 1! The origin of the zhombehs. *snicker snicker* You sir, have been slain. Revenge is a ***** RULES AND SETTINGS POINT SYSTEM Any kill: +1 last man standing: +1 suicide/betrayal: -1 ZOMBEH SETTINGS starting number of zombies: 1 weapon: sword (of course!) damage: instant kill shields/health: normal weapon pickup: no Radar: Enhanced 25 meter (zombies can smell flesh) infinite ammo: yes grenades: no HUMAN SETTINGS weapon: shotgun (there is also a brute shot,sentinel beam, and fuel rod on map) damage: normal shields/health: normal weapon pickup: yes radar: no infinite ammo: yes grenades: no GAME SETTINGS Rounds: 3 Time limit: 5 minutes Team changing: of course not Friendly fire: enabled Betrayal booting: disabled YOU CAN GET THE MAP HERE : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details AND THE GAMETYPE HERE : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details The map CAN support up to 16 people but i HIGHLY disadvise it as the map is rather small.
wow this map is soo simple but yet to look likes it's going to be very fun map Great infection map this is cool because from the pics it seems you hide from him then you try to kill the infection dude before he gets you very classic very cool!
thanks man, it's always nice to get a good review...especially after how my last 2 maps went over. lol. Guess all i had to do was start interlocking.
I'd like to see an overview picture of the map (with the roof removed of course). The pictures can't quite tell how big the map is, but if it's as big as I think it is, then this map deserves at least a 4/5. Good job on the map. It looks like a lot of fun to play.
I like the design of the map though with so few pictures I would prefer a layout of the map or a few more pictures. So is this just plain zombies or is it a sort of mini game type of map because from the pictures it looks like it could be either. I look forward to playing this map and I hope others agree with me.
Give me a second or two ill see if i can draw a quick map up on MS paint, if i can i'll edit this post with it EDIT: woot, here u go.
It looks nice. However, wouldn't be a little to easy for the zombie considering the zombie has instant kill and radar. But, i don't know because i haven't played it. Just something i thought i'd throw out there
This is a very good CQB kind of map, and the gametype perfectly matches. This map would probably work well with normal slayer and team slayer game variants. But one thing I don't like about the gametype is that you the human weapon is shotgun. It may just be a personal thing but shotgun should be something you have to pick up. Because if the human has a decent reaction time and any skill playing halo then the zombie is going to have a hell of a time. And plus it is very cliche. A way to make it a challange is something that survivors of a disaster would have, like the pistol or maybe the sniper rifle.
The zombie,however, has radar and the human does not. I played it with 6-7 buddies before i posted this and they offset well enough.
this is a realy good and enjoyable map if you make a v2 you should put in a crouch tunnel so people can sneak around the map that would be even more exciting
wow, this map looks really good. from the pics, it looks like there are a lot of passageways to explore. you should definitely make a v2 with thinks like crouch tunnels, like said above. I'm downloading now to take a closer look next time i get on h3. Good Job and looking forward for a v2 and any other maps you make. 4.999/5
I think that's an amazing idea having ledges above the entrances, but maby you should think about the camping, it seems prity easy to camp in one room, unless you dont have unlimited amo, that would make the game more fair, and just to tell you the tunnels look amazing. 3.5/5
... was I one of them? Was fun to play. One of the Crypts has a Senital Beam, the Zombie room has a Fuel Rod above the crate, you start with shotty, and you can always pick up a sword from a dead zombie. loved the map! 5/5. Keep it UP!
it looks real clean and very intence becouse of it being small. I hope the spawn killing is not too bad. =)