Time Zones

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ProvingUnique, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. ProvingUnique

    ProvingUnique Ancient
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    Location on File: FileShare Link, Slot No.5!

    I love close combat maps just as well as the next guy. I also enjoy vehicle fights and developemental thinking. So I bring to you "TimeZones". This map changes as you play. Intended for Multi-Flag CTF and 2 Bomb Assault games. This map will rock! I promise! Coming soon to a fileshare near you. It's done(really it is) I just forgot to Upload it this morning,... It will be uploaded tonight into my 5th Slot.

    First timed event (closing the hallway)
    This timed event occurs at 2min into gameplay. The walls spring up and force people to fight outside instead of the hallway. The ramp going up to the courtyard structure also spawns at this time, when in turns makes people take the fighting into the structure.

    Looking out from a Base Courtyard
    Here is shown the "spawned" ramp to develope gameplay into another arena.
    Looking into a Base from Courtyard
    Courtyard Structure(internal view)
    there are 2 oversheilds in the courtyard(not shown here)

    Backyard(without spawned ramps)
    in the beginning this areas only purpose is the power drain tower in the corner, a long walk for something indeed. This area becomes more frequented whem 3min. mark approaches, spawning in ramps to allow the provided mongoose(s) easier traverse to other side. Watch out for the power drain now!
    Backyard(with spawned ramps)
    PowerDrain Tower in corner of backyard
  2. Bllasae

    Bllasae Ancient
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    This did not remind me anything of Time Zones...At all. You could have called it house or something, though.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    The map looks a little empty to me, and not the good empty but the bad empty.
    Did you intend for it to be that desolate or have the timed events just not have gone into play yet?
    To me that's the only problem I have, along with some smoothing out of some walls and such. =]

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