Staying Motivated in Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rated Dirty, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    This is a guide for staying in the mood to forge and do your best.

    People get bored, mad, or just might even lose the interest in completing their design. I am here to try and tell you the ways of staying into your work and getting your map done faster.


    Don't under or overdue your time making your map. Even out the amount of your Halo time you spend forging. If you play too long, you will just end up getting bored and not wanting to do it. Also getting bored of it means that you will try and rush through it, making interlocks and merges uneven and crappy. If you play to short, it will take a long while to finish your map. I would suggest evening out when you forge, make sure every interlock and merge is as good as you can get it.


    Alot of people do not have the patience to forge. I know some people who can't even go 10 minutes without getting sick of Forge. If you have a bad patience rating, please try and get a better one. Trust me, your gonna need it! If something goes bad, don't have a cow, just fix it and your problem is solved!


    Please, don't be one of those kids who stays up all night forging. The map will MOST LIKELY turn out worse than planned. Also, sleep is VERY important so please sleep good. You will feel better the next day and after a shower and breakfast, you will be in such a good mood that you will forge your map with flying colors.


    This is the main thing that gets people less motivated in their work. Make sure you have a layout or planned design before you spend 2 hours sitting in Foundry thinking what the hell you are gonna do. This can be very aggrivating if you do not already have a planned layout. Use paper or even the Foundry Designer here on Good Ol' Forge Hub.

    This is my small but very useful guide to staying motivated. I have used these tips and I get very motivated and I love designing maps. The best part is having people compliment you or having people play on it. If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please message me here or on Live. My gamertage is FoG oM4GNuMo.


    Mutual <3
  2. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    This guide is excellent, I admit that I have a problem with staying motivated. The map sometimes just doesn't turn out, In what I accounted for.
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    nice idea for a thread. I have some trouble with forge, but I what I do is that I place a couple objects down then play in matchmaking.
  4. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Thanks alot, I figured I would want to help people. Because I hear complaining of just lazy people not wanting to do anything.
  5. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Which is only justified when you're making a floating Blackout map, of course! Right?

    During the two months I made Interrobang, I WAS THE MOST PISSED OFF I HAVE EVER BEEN AT ANY VIDEO GAME EVER. BLACKOUT IS A ***** AND I HATE IT. Yet I really want to make another Blackout map... but I CAN'T!!! Arghghhghrhgrhgrgh
  6. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Ya i know what you mean by patience i started a really cool structure with a turning archway that leads to a tower then i got bored and the map flew off and began to suck. man .
  7. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Nice guide.

    I feel I can only forge if all of my school work is out of the way. Then, and only then will I feel motivated.

    Senior Member

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    Co-Forging is also a great way to stay motivated. You see progress much quicker, and its not near as stressful. Also, working within the normal budget of a map relieves a lot of stress as well.
  9. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Good guide, and I daresay that it applies to more than just forging. It could probably be summed up in one sentence, though: "Keep forge a hobby, not an obsession, and remember to take care of yourself."

  10. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Yeah forging isn't an obession for me, I just made this to show everyone not to make it an obession and to stay up and at it.
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    This is a great guide. This should help many people. I admit the only thing that keeps me forging sometimes is that sweet feeling you get once you know that you've made the best map ever.

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