Wall Of Jericho

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TonicSTUPID, Dec 10, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Awsome

  2. Good

    0 vote(s)
  3. Eh.

  4. DooDoo

  1. TonicSTUPID

    TonicSTUPID Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Walls Of Jericho

    Created by TonicSTUPID

    Supported Gametypes:


    Map Description
    Please just try it, instead of looking at what the ratings are,
    That was before I changed a lot of things.
    Please just try it.
    Really simple map, all you do is throw grenades over
    the giant wall, in the middle of the map.
    All the nades are against the wall. there is
    also 2 power drains and 2 flares on each side of
    the wall.

    Edit: I added two sniper towers to each side of the wall.
    There isn't a sniper, its a Carbine. because there
    isn't very strong shields.
    I also added a truck to each side.
    and a few fusioncoils.
    I recommend not standing next to those. (obviously)

    Edit 2: Fixed grenade jumping thing. and the camping problem.


    Flare coming at me.

    Sniper tower.

    Letting them know I'm up here


    Thanks for the download, and doing the poll :)

    #1 TonicSTUPID, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2008
  2. Prophet Opeth

    Prophet Opeth Ancient
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    just to let you know your pics arent working
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's because he doesn't have any.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your post is not up to Forgehub standards.
    It needs pictures. Someone will hopefully post a guide to show you how to put pictures in your post.
    I think your link should also be a direct link to the map and another link to the gametype, not to your fileshare.

    This concept is not very original at all, and from your description, nothing about your map seems to stand out from the others.
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ditto ditto and ditto. Here's a linksorz to how to properly post your map. You can copy and paste most of the stuff.

    Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums

    Was that really necessary? Don't pick on the nubs. The post was totally spam.
  6. TonicSTUPID

    TonicSTUPID Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the first and second post ill check it out.

    and one more question, how do you take pictures of the map and put it on here?
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To post pictures first go onto halo3 and take them in theatre mode. (Obvious right?) Then go to bungie.net.

    1. Find your profile. Click on service record, and then to the left side you will see "gallery". Click on that. It will show all your pictures.

    2. Find a picture of your map. Click on it to enlarge it then right click it again and click save. Repeat for all your pictures. Name them something you will remember.

    3. Then head on over to some picture hosting website. I use photobucket.com. If you don't have a profile make one. It's easy, fast, and free. Then upload your pictures there.

    4. Then go to your gallery on photobucket. You will see all of the images you have uploaded. Underneath each image are a couple bars. One of them is labled IMG bar. Click it to copy it and come back here.

    5. Paste the code in your post. Then the image will show up when you click post.
  8. TonicSTUPID

    TonicSTUPID Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much. but is it all right to double post, or can i delete this post?
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DO NOT DOUBLE POST. There is an edit button next to the quote button on your post. A double post will result in an infraction. You do have 24 hours to post pictures, but I suggest getting them up right away since you are still under the newest maps section for an hour or two.
  10. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks like its more of a minigame map than a competitive one. I think you should get it moved.
    About the map, it looks very simple, and doesn't look like it took much time. You should add more things, and work on the concept to make it stand out more. You have a lot of budget left also, some scenery and aesthetics would make it look less boring.
    Good luck :), and welcome to Forge Hub
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ummmmm you made a wall... and two other side walls... and you placed some equipment... and some teleporters...and a whole lotta grenades... are you sure that this is a good map?
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow were to start, ok one this has been done before in a better way, two theres no strategy theres enough games were i just spam grenades trying looking around to see what others are posting, then youll see what your up against also check out forging 101 tutorials 3rd this map has been broken , grenade jump ftw
    1/5 sorry try again
  13. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    Is the idea of this map tat you have to get lucky and throw grenades over the top of the wall. The main problem with the map has to be that you could easily grenade up on to the top of the wall and then own all the people on the other side. The wall should have been at least t stories tall to prevent spawn killing because it would be a huge problem with the map. I do notice that you blocked off the back hallways so people cant spawn kill thaat way and you do know about grenade jumping because you put teleporters up thgeir but you coulld still camp their so I dont know what to make of this map. Next tinme please give a better description of your map. I know that their really wasnt that much in the map but you could have had a better description still. Overall, 2/5. Sorry, It just doesnt make sence to me so please inform me about the map in more detail
  14. TonicSTUPID

    TonicSTUPID Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I fixed the grenade jumping.

    not sure what to do about the camping problem, because i need a safe haven for the spawners. Maybe i can build i room the spawn in, i quess.
  15. monk sausage

    monk sausage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map can easily be made in a hour an half tops... add some twists to the map and make in interesting, also don't take pictures in forge, looks better in custom.

    To improve
    Layout- Add some things to the map to go along with the whole dodgeball thing you got going-on
    Oringinality- To easy tp think of, nothing really new to a map tlike this
    Quality- Forging 101, can do it better than I can

    Make a V2 and improve
    Overall, I like maps or atleast the idea of it... so if you can improve and you got a automatic download
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Moved to Mini Games. Good luck.
  17. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is very piontless if u were to make the wall spawn within a certain time limit that would be kool
  18. Angulimala

    Angulimala Ancient
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    I see what you're trying to do, I just honestly am not a fan. I think it's far too difficult to actually get a kill in this manner unless you're playing with a lot of people. I would recommend placing many more random canisters and even making as much of the wall as possible out of fence boxes/walls with shield doors so you can at least see WHERE to throw your nades while still not being able to directly shoot your enemy. Once you've got the gameplay down, THEN worry about aesthetics. Besides, I've seen some hideous maps before that played great and I love 'em. It's hard to do it the other way around.

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