Skins would be wonderfull you could make like a candy land ^_^(and i would) and i think like a wall that you can edit like a hill for koth it would save bunches of time and bring much kooler things into forge
Ladder would be great...and some objects where they go through all objects and when let go, they sit there, not fall :squirrel_giggle:
Adjustable lifts similar to the purple ones in Construct. Make them placeable as either horizontal or vertical, so they could be used as a moving walkway of sorts as well as a proper elevator that plops you out at your destination. Short open boxes that have open ends 90 degrees from each other, thus being able to use them as a corner when trying to connect large open boxes. Covenant-style objects similar to the ones in Foundry to build with. Imagine all the Midship remakes!!! AHHH!!!!!
I would love to see... double fence walls some sort of box with windows and a small door two-way mirrors (pretty sure theyre doing this one) something [dome-ish] to make new roofs last but not least id like to see some sort of cut option, to cut holes into things to make doors and windows. ps along with a cut out option we need a undo option (everyone who forges allot will understand that one lol)
so you know the king of the hill hill boundaries, l want something thats as versatile as that (circle, square, length, width, circumference) in a solid unmovable wall that costs nothing so we dont constantly have to create a wall to block off part of the map
A deployable turret. Press X to deploy turret. Then get on and start shooting. Seriously, this is awesome. Why is it not available? Even Sgt. Johnson gets one in H2...
Forerunner things Why can the most advanced race in the game only come up with one crappy weapon and no vehicles? I want a dyson sphere, or maybe a halo.
An open box where only one end is open, more breakable objects, a float option, larger budget, more objects, everything everyone else has said...
Curved staircases, curved ramps, taller boxes, taller walls. I'd personally like to see some remote-control C4 like from CoD 4, but there isn't anything like it in the campaign, so... Also, I liked the "skins" idea. I'd just be fine with an outside Foundry. I hate looking at those oil-stained, dirt-covered, Foundry floors all the time. I agree with the "items with more functionality" suggestion, too.
the platform in the middle of epitath but maybe bigger ai bot spawn shorter stairs ladder missle pod turret missing campaign equipment
Nuclear bomb. 'Nuff said. Realistically, the addition of a troop transport Warthog(drive-by with flag lol.)
You guys know that skins for your maps would be really hard to be made into the game. It would be extremely hard for the bungie crew to make a forge button called "Skins" or something. I don't think some of you guys realise that. Also why would you want TVs? This is a game on a TV! I think thats kind of a stupid idea. Other then that, these sound good. P.S. They can't make all these things that you want because its a video game, there has to be some limitations. And it would be such a big file, taking a bunch of space on your hard drive.
i don't think skins are going to happen but adding more campaign stuff like double LR containers, and the invinceablity power up. or idk, a freaking deployable turret for zombies.
it would be pretty cool if they put in like trees (only on outside maps) and little bushes for camo.. also like more scenic stufff like from the books or something.
Duh? I'm quite sure everyone knows that. It's an object WISH list, not an object Bungie, implement this into the game or I'll kill myself list. I forgot about the ladders and shorter staircases, too. Thanks for reminding me, whomever posted that earlier.