When New Mombassa was destroyed by the Covenent the survivors needed a place to detain, execute, or hold criminals. They hastily built this installation but what the police don't know is that the criminals decided to secretly dig a hole out of the prison. After 3 months the robbers successfully dug a way out and escaped. Now the cops must redetain the criminals, decide their fate and execute or hold them until the next UNSC frigate comes to ship the prisoners to Desert cell in the Andromeda galaxy. Weapons: None Vehicles: none Gametype: court foundry variant sorry only have 8 screen shots but hope these will work. (first time posting a map) This is my first map so it is not the best but please post any thoughts on the map. link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60127316&lc=1033 problem with gametype will fix and repost link I am current working on a much better version of this map and will post it, properly the first time, when finished. Courtroom holding cells judges chair Zombie Respawn Area (Jury) Zombie Starting Spawn and teleporter Teleporter box to get out of map Execution machine Secret Escape
If you say you will have screenshots after testing the map out then don't post the map until then. For now, no one say anything more about this as it will be locked soon. Don't post until you have finished the map completely, including pictures and a link.
You must have at least one picture and they must be embeded so do not post until you have a picture... please keep this in mind next time you post. You don't even have a download link wtf?
Did you even read my post? I stated that there is no need for anyone to post anymore. He gets the idea. He knows what he did is wrong so he doesn't need 200 people telling him. I will get a mod to lock this thread and possibly delete this post as well as yours.
Actually, he's doing nothing wrong. He has twenty four hours to update his post, if the time passes then the thread needs to be locked. Until then he can do whatever with this post. He posted the map at five twenty, which means he has until five twenty on the twelth od December to fix it. I've actually seen some pretty well known members do stuff like this, especially if there is a long description of their map.
This map seems like it could be good. The idea is great, but without a description i cant really tell. As said above, you do need to post pics, etc. If the map is forged well i will download, but without the link, err... will check back tomorrow to see if its good.
Shame on all of you for telling him he needs pictures and NOT providing a link to the proper map posting template. Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums To embed pictures first go to bungie.net. Go to your gallery under your profile. Find each picture and click on it. Then right click the image once it is up on your screen and click save. Go to photobucket. Upload the picture there. Copy the IMG bar underneath the picture at photobucket. Come back here. Paste it in the post. Wa la.
But it's not that he doesn't know how to embed the pictures. It's that he posted the thread without even finishing testing out the map (he says so at the end of the OP), so although he has no links or screenshots, he may know how to do that, but helpful nonetheless.