I have seen all of the Foundation remakes from this site and from others and I can't find one that matches the geometry of the original Foundation in Halo 2. So I made this remake of Foundation that has sizable rooms that resemble the ones in the original. The map is about 75% the size of the original since the confines of Foundry limit the size of my map. I made this map with the given amount of money and I was able to use every cent. The rooms are sealed so no one can just grenade jump out of the map. I also color coded each base so you can tell which one you're in. This map is set up for Flag and Hill, the red base is the defenders while the blue base is the attackers. I'm not good at writing descriptions, so if you have any questions just ask. Download Here
There have been countless remakes of this map but other than the featured one, this is probably the best one. Hell it even has some things that are better than the featured one. I love how you enclosed the rooms while maintaining a good size for them. The size of this map is perfect too. Not too small, but you dodn't try to make it too large either as it might limit a player to a lot of things. Overall, I love it.
Although a Foundation map has been featured already, this is pretty good. Although I prefer the featured one because of it's destructible portions, yours is now-here near bad. It's Just late to the party. EDIT: After comparing the two maps, the only complaint I have about this map is it's name. Shrinking the size of Foundation was a good idea as it does make the rooms feel bigger, and color coding them was a good idea too. Nice clean forging, although I still like the destructible bunker better.
this map looks nice and brings back the old days. this map has passably every feature from the original foundation map, 5/5
this map looks os sweet. i was never a big fan of the foundation map but this looks realy cool. you have some perfect interlocking and i can see you put a lot of time in making this. im impressed man. nice job. 5/5
The featured one is soooo old. This is much better. And this one isn't as esily breakable. I like it, but I agree with the reply that I'm quoting. There is countless remakes of this map. Try creating your own dezign. I bet it will be much more successful than if you copy someone elses. The map itself looks good and well made though. I like how you made the custom powerups.
this is something i dont under stand if your going to ake thi why make it so bad? i mean dontget me wrong this is the best one i haveseen ever! even better then the feaured one. ut why dont you put walls geo-glitched into the ground. for the center part. i know what your thinking that would be wy to hard. no it isn't infact i could dot in like 10 seconds. because when you put a item under the death wall, and sa changes then it will pop up some. luck to us rgers the death wall is smaller then a wall or double box. just rememer that when you do this the spawn tear drop needs to be the part under the death wall. but other then that good map. i never liked the halo 2 version though.
AWESOME! I was wondering if Bungie was going to remake this map for Halo 3 like they did with cold storage. If I download this, I won't have to wait. But my bro owns the 360 and I can't do anything with or to it without his say so and he has already said he will never let me download anything. You guys have too much time and patience on your hands, and that is good sometimes!
Awesome remake. I love these throwbacks, and this looks like one of the best. I also love the rooms, because those are probably the weakest part of foundation remakes, but these ones look larger than most.
seems like the map radius a lot but i think this one seems a little bit to open so maybe put like some tall spots but othere than that its a well built map and has some good geomerging
this has been done many times now the only difference with yours is that its the best one ive seen and the most accurate good job
3/5: That for being too unoriginal. I have seen countless after countless remakes of this map. I'm sorry but that is my rating, other than that excellent remake and good interlocking and merging. There is just way to many remakes of this map.
I agree with that. Shock Theta did this long ago, but I see improvement here in this version. Great job, very accurate remake!
Thank you guys for all your awesome comments, I know this map isn't very original, but I just wanted a remake of foundation for halo 3. I have a game type set up for this which has SMGs as the starting weapon and 90% player speed. This map hasn't been fully tested so it could use some improvement in some areas.