Outpost 343B

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by GaMe_GuRu, Dec 10, 2008.


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  1. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    OutPost 343B TM

    Its finally here....

    Ok let me give you the story.

    Its 5 years after the first encounter.... The US outpost are overrun, and the world is in a standstill, as we wait, watch, and hope. Now let me tell you my story. My name is Nicholas Carter, I was stationed at outpost 343B. Just another military checkpoint along border. Until they hit. We were all worried, but nothing happened. We were told to stay calm and remain alert, until that day.... When we were raided by the Covenent special arms group. A legend among the Covenent, these guys were strong fast as resilient. When we got word that we were the only outpost left around we were ordered to retreat. To bad I wasn't there when the signal was given. Me along with a party of about 6-14 other men were out on a recon mission scouting for food, as we were cut of from supply lines and needed something the eat. Armed only with whatever we have left at our base and a dingy set of outdated armor we were met . As we saw them the jump on us, not giving us much time to retreat, then got one of my friends 1st private Stuart, this was his first and last deployment. Now were are held back at our base not knowing what to do how to survive . Now im just trying to reach you please help us, help the world . DOWNLOAD and PLAY TM

    (Edit:) Thank God I was able to get back on... Be warned if the last days we had noticed that they have flood like adaptation to absorbing other organisms. Meaning.... once you die you're with them.....
    Here are some surveillance pics I managed to get to aid in your effort.

    This is there suspected entry (respawn) point

    Here is our trap area where we can send down explosives on there heads.

    Here is a base front view.

    Another base overview

    Switch to open gate

    Guard Point [​IMG]

    Back Tower

    Ruined gate w/ pallet entry.
    Sorry I wouldn't get a pic of there weapons room I could hardly get these without getting caught. here everywhere.... ( tastefully done with fence box wall inside, back hallway)

    ( On a real not I see the wall not there it is there in the real map)
    ( Oh and notice how I didn't give a description everything is in the story read it again to learn your, and there weapons and stats.)

    DOWNLOAD Gametype here and Map here.
    #1 GaMe_GuRu, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2008
  2. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool man I like the way the base looks. The only thing I dislike about the map is the zombie side. I can tell you're a good forger so I'm sure you could find another way to put cover down rather than shield doors. That kinda ruins my DL right there I'm not gonna lie. Shield doors aren't all bad, but I try my best not to use them in Foundry. Along with Teleporters and Lifts. (Unless they're underground or not able to be seen.) The reason for this is because Foundry has a "Modern Construction" vibe to it and those items above are alien-like future stuff. To me it just doesn't blend. Anyway, sorry to ramble I tend to do that, I like the map as a whole so I guess after writing this I might as well DL. I'll play your custom game on it soon and tell you how it went.

    3/5 for now just by pics. Gameplay rating = later.
    #2 Doog Nit, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  3. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    Im there with yah man I didn't want to use them, but there are the only "covenant looking things available, This is B It as A until I redid it, I never publish A But I will most likely make a C. Plus they kinof look like deployable cover for an attack.
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    you could use interlocked fencewalls+shield walls to make more covanent cover, or u could use ghosts and wraiths that are held immobile by window pannels - that would look really sick. hope this helped!
  5. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    By reading through the post(which is artfully done BTW with you pretending to "have managed to barely get these photos without getting caught" it adds to the map if somebody reads the post) I see that you said you have a weapons room... AAGGHRHRHJSKDGH, don't put weapon rooms ever. If the room has like 4 BRs that never respawn then that is one thing but if it is loaded with "ub3r 1337 grenades infinite respawn lol pwn" then that is bad. I think I may try this map but looks like some unneeded interlocking was done and some interlocking that was needed was not done. I really can't be the judge until I play the map however. So for now based of pics and description 7/10.(No gameplay added into scoring, could go up or down)
  6. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    I wanted the space between them to make it non- bullet and grenade proof.
    and sorry vehicle help still are only cool on maps like Helms Deep
  7. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    Ummmm read the post tastefully done, all power weapons are set with minimal ammo and all grenades are on like 30 - 65 sec respawn. And they are all Covanent weapons. There are four carbines and 60 sec respawn. So dude please don't do what you just did w/o checking out the actually room it is small with a small amount of weapons artfully placed ( if I do say so myself) with a fence box meshed in the hall to black it off ( geomerged)
  8. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Sorry I didn't see the weapons list I just said that armories are bad...
  9. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Uuum, pardon me, but I remember seeing a map JUST like this a few weeks ago, but with almost no interlocking, and no skillful switch. I even remember the shitty looking gate, truck crash, and back pallet entrance. I'm not saying that you stole it, and, even if you did, I say that this one is way better than the other one, which was ****. Well, the map has some nice interlocking, the gate isn't one bit sloppy, and the back entrance is pretty cool. Gameplay seems nice, but is the weps room connected to the base, or is it connected by teleporter? Anyway, 4/5.
  10. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    this is an AMAZING story, what are u dickens?

    the map has some awesome ideas apart form the whole pray and spray camping idea
    and the openness of the middle
    ive made maps where its just a base and people dont like it

    im gunna play this a bit, but yea
    keep forging, your tecniques are sweet.

    wel done 3/5 map 10/5 story!

    and if your getting a custom on this with spartan, give me an inv, id love 2 play it

    well done
  11. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    Duuude, I remember this, I thought it would take you longer to release. Looks real good. The only thing I dislike (along with the others) is the shield doors. Looks cool though.

    -Send me an invite when ya play it aight?? Ill be on this weekend.
  12. Project Halo

    Project Halo Ancient
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    i played this with some of my friends...being the zombie is HARD but it was a very fun game. well done 4/5
  13. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    It is connected in the back via a spawning man cannon around 60 sec in to help the zombies =) and no I didn't steal this map ask quielli and one other guy who say this map 2 weeks ago.
  14. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    Will do Im gonna make a C to correct some of the things people are saying though =)
  15. ODST Maps

    ODST Maps Ancient

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    Hello i think this map is really well story lined.
    And that you said we could not see in the map because it was based off the story really wanted me to download your map and i am as since as i am online I'm going to invite some friends and play.
  16. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    Ya he made this, I saw it before its releasal but never got to playtest it.
    -And its Quello, not quielli. lol
  17. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry I was really busy and didn't have time and I forgot you name spelling sorry.

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